Release RoPieee 2022.02.1

Hmm thanks. If indeed it the network does not come back up it obviously can’t finish the update.
The cable would indeed be very helpful, because you can then send feedback. I would not even be surprised if you attach the cable it will continue.


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OK, thanks, will do and report back…

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OK, it’s back up via cable - have sent feedback - 6d827d9105ef34fc. Will try to sort the WiFi connection now…

Thanks for your help!

Edit: All working now. The WiFi refused to work until another reboot without the cable but now fine. Sorry Harry, not sure if there’s a genuine issue here or just some random weirdness.

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Thanks, it arrived. Looking into it…


It seems your filesystem got corrupted. Hence RoPieee’s config database was not updated with the new keys, which results in the broken web page.

Obviously I need to see if I can make this phase a little bit more resilient, but for now I think your only option is to reflash.


I’ll try it later
Thank you

Weird. At some point RoPieee requires internet connection (for downloading RoonBridge), but looking at the logs it initially does, but then the connection is gone again.

Can’t really explain this, will need to dive a little bit deeper into the logs.

Thanks for sending me the feedback!

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Hi Harry,
my Display runs like charme.

Is it possible to add an icon on the screen, when an update is available?


Re-flashing now.

One interesting and weird item, when I looked at the SD card in Disk management, there were three areas on the SD card, one small unallocated space, one small partition called RoPieee, and one larger partition that is not modifiable in disk management. When I deleted the RoPieee partition, magically, there were now seven partitions of varying sizes. really weird. I had cleaned this SD card with diskpart prior to flashing the image to it so there should not have been anything let on it.

I will let you know how this latest re-flash goes.

Updated to the latest version and my RPi4 Audiophonics DAC disappeared from Roon. Still shows up on my network as active connection, but no way to connect to it. Even going back to the previous revision did not work anymore. Went to a volumino based solution and peace is restored. The latest version for a RPi3b works well. Weird…

Now I flashed an other SD card.
looks like this Samsung card is dead. This was not the first one.
With other card I don’t had these problems.
The Pi works well.
Thank You

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Well that was more of an ordeal than I thought it should be, had some weird issues with not being able to get past the welcome screen again. finally got it working, after multiple reboots, then went to access the Web UI to see what version it finally installed and the Pi screen blanked out and the unit disappeared from Roon. Another reboot and it seems to be working?? But, it is on 2022.02
Shouldn’t it be 2022.02.1?
Sent another feedback if that helps: 91419a6990f25d2e

Hi @dhusky I think I found a bug that explains your issue.
Weird that we didn’t encounter it during beta testing (maybe it’s a timing issue), but at least I know what happens with your unit.

Thanks again for the feedback and hassle.

Regards Harry

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What do you mean by that?

Blimey, that was quick! Thanks Harry, glad the feedback gave some clues.

The unit would start up and hang at the welcome screen that I posted earlier. seemed to be running fine but did not switch over to display the album art screen with the controls.

P.S. I just looked at the WebUI and it says there is an update to install so will see if it does it this time.

Ack, not looking good, this is on the screen now: “[ 217.956498] bcm2835-i2s 3f203000.i2s: i2S SYNC error!”

Well, I am stuck in the “install update” loop again. The unit is displaying the welcome screen and not going further, and the WebUI says there is an update available but after repeated attempts it does not appear to be installing the update. is the error above the cause?

No that error message is nothing of high importance.

Now I get what you mean with ‘welcome screen’: you mean the touchscreen right?

However, that doesn’t say anything about the state, only the webinterface does. So I’m not sure what you tried to achieve with the multiple reboots.

RoPieee does not update during installation, so if you used the 2022.02 image then that’s what you get.

Let me know how the update goes, as I saw in the logs that it was being downloaded.


I am trying a different SD card and a new re-flash. just to see what happens.
Is there a new image? I just looked and what’s on the site is the same one I was using.

Djeeez I need a rest :wink:

Anyways, now is.

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Switching SD card might have done it? I am now on the new version. I did notice that the original SD card I was using was taking a very long time to flash…maybe going bad? But I think I am all good now? Will monitor and see what happens.

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