Rendering on windows 10 Surface Pro 6

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

2011 Mac Mini i5 8gb ram / windows 10 64 bits on bootcamp / Roon 1.6 built 416 64 bits.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Network wifi ASUS RT-AC87U

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

the mac mini / surface pro 6 win 10 64 bits i5 8gb ram / 3 raspberry pi 3b w/ hifiberry dac+pro
running ropieee / 1 raspberry pi 4 4gb ram w/ usb dac running ropieee / 1 google chromecast 4k.

Description Of Issue

I rendered some music on my Surface pro 6 and the sound for the singer’s voice was almost gone as if I was using a karaoke track. Rendering on the raspberry pi’s does not do that.

In addition, many times when I open the app its taking a long time to connect to the server, and some times some of the raspberry pi zones are not showing up at first…

Hi @Jorge_L_Cintron,

Can you share a screenshot of Device Setup for the Win10 zone? Can you also share a screenshot of the signal path when playing to it?

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