Request for Prepaid Return Label for Nucleus+ Upgrade Offer (ref#TM8E03)

@Suedkiez I have 2 old Nucleus units. Again, as I’ve continued to beat this horse, and will have to dig a hole to beat it into that. We would not have to do all this speculation if someone from Roon would reply!!!

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Well, I just got the first label. Let’s see how long it takes to get the second label.

It’d be interesting to know what the date of postage was of the first label. Could be the postal system causing a delay on receiving it.

@Menzies-Old your optimism is generous, but misplaced. They sent it in an email. There is absolutely no excuse for this lack of support. I responded immediately asking for the second label. We’ll see how long it takes this time…

Well, @support here we go again… I have my second Titan and now I’m waiting on the return label, again.

Hello @Isaac_Spear ,

I checked with the team regarding your case and it looks like our Sales department followed up and sent the label to your email.

Please note that this community forum is not the proper channel to discuss shipping labels, so if you have any follow-up questions or concerns, I suggest letting the Sales team know directly via email.

Thank you for your understanding.

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