Request: Opening a Public Spotify Playlist URL in Roon (ref#FGUYIU)

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I share a public url, which is an Spotify playlist, where can i open this in Roon ?

Are you trying to play a Spotify playlist?
If so, you can’t as Roon doesn’t connect to Spotify.

I try to play an public url, that in this example is a shared playlist from Spotify

You are trying to add an unsupported playlist as Radio Station. This does not work. A radio station is a continuous stream and not a playlist.

If you have a Spotify account and either a Tidal or Qobuz account you can use

to convert the Playlist to Tidal or Qobuz which will then play in Roon.
If you have Soundiiz premium you can set it to sync the playlist so that any changes in Spotify will update in Tidal or Qobuz.
Alternatively there are services that will convert a Spotify URL to a URL for another streaming service.
For example: MusicMatch for iOS
Although I’m not sure how or if that can be played in Roon.

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