Return to where you were, not to top of scroll or beginning of "more" list

@support Roon failing to keep scroll position - YouTube

It seems to be fixed for me since yesterday’s update…

SO i have to say, @support, I’m a bit confused by what is going on with this.

I was about to post saying the problem has still not been fixed. But that is not quite true. When I went to albums and focus, it seemed generally to be the case that after looking at an album and returning to the list, I was returned to the list at the place where I had left it. But when I went in through genres, to a list of albums, and then to a specific album, when I returned to the longer list I’d be thrown back to the top. The same was happening with my tag that lead me to a genre list of albums.

However, today, I tried a whole range of different ways to get to the same list of albums: from my tag, through genres, and that through albums with focus on the genre. After I had done all of that, with the problem reproducing in the first instance for some of them - now the problem is not reproducible for any of them.

What is this, some form of machine learning? :wink:

Anyway, thought you might like to know…

thanks - as always, apart from these niggles, Roon is fabulous!

ah well, what to say. Roon updates, and any resolution to this problem goes out the window.
At the moment I am scrolling through my albums, with heart selection. It is a very long list. So it is just SO frustrating that any return to the list from any given album sends me to the top of the list.

Is anyone working on fixing this problem? I love Roon with a passion, but this is excruciating…

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@support This is still a major issue for me… On MacOS, scrolling through a list of albums, selecting an album, and then going back will return me to the top of the list rather than where I was.

It is very inconsistent. Sometimes, this happens and sometimes it works fine.

Very annoying…

Same here. This is part of the thing that make it a good or a bad experience in the user interface. Basic stuff.
I have this problem in the Genre menu, Album menu most of the time.
In the Rediscover menu when you push on the plus menu it bring you back to the top in a new page. It feels clunky and if you want to go back to the page before it send you back to the main page…
I still find this basic stuff that shouldn’t be there.

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I posted about this before, don’t ask how I figured it out… it usually works though.

when in the main album page put a space in the filter and then browse. Should solve the back to top issue.

I will try that.
Thank you

I really enjoy Roon but this scrolling issue is becoming very irritating. It is occurring on all my devices (Windows 10 Desktop, Windows 10 Surface 3 and Android phone). It is frustrating my interface experience as I use the back feature often and then find myself at the beginning of my collection yet again. Please code a permanent fix for this. It would be muchly appreciated.

Thanks ahead!

I’ve tried that tip before without success but thought I’d give it another shot. Nope, still not a workaround for me.

This continues to not work properly. Hey Roon, this software is not cheap and this fix cannot possibly be difficult. Get on with it!

Closing in favor of the thread below.