Rev Jones - In The Key Of Z should not be under JONES (Cherie Jones) discography

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Roon currently has Rev Jones album (In the Key of Z) in the JONES discography. Can this be corrected please? Thanks.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

TIDAL and Qobuz

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Rev Jones is not the same artist as JONES (Cherie Jones)

Hey @MacUser256,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As always, we appreciate the heads up here.

Unfortunately these kinds of equivalence issues are common when artists with similar names are lacking rich metadata sufficient to trigger disambiguation.

We’ll take a look at how this information is reflected on our metadata providers’ side and see what can be done. Please understand that corrections of this kind are addressed as system wide fixes, we don’t make prescriptive adjustments on a case by case basis. Thanks

Thanks Jamie for the response. I had also contacted Qobuz on the same issue (for other similar artists with the same issue) and their response was:

Indeed, the artist pages seem to be jumbled up here. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case, which is why we are currently working on optimizing our catalog.
So you can look forward to an improvement in this regard in the near future.

Could Roon improve the experience for users by allowing users to hide certain albums from view without having to add the album to their Libraries first? I found this is the only way to exclude the tracks from the “other” artist when playing artist radio station…


Hey @MacUser256

As you’ve noticed Roon requires that you add an album to your library in order to perform most editing actions. But doing that is a bit counterintuitive in this case. This would make a great feature request. In doing a quick search I don’t see any indication that this has been forwarded in the past. Would you mind submitting a feature request for this?

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