Right-to-left languages are displayed reversed

OK thanks!

So… next build?

Hi @danny,
I feel that this fix has been forgotten as it doesn’t seem to make it into any build. Any chance to get it into the next one?

The fix is in… I see it:

I see that now. Yes, your example is correct. The reason I thought it still wasn’t in was because I was still seeing other titles that weren’t right. There are still a few kinks to work out.

Any use of ’ is not handled (קוצ’יפה is shown as יפה’קוצ). Same for a single " in the middle of a word (sometimes used in Hebrew for abbreviations).
!, ? at the end of a string appear at the start of it.
Parentheses are also not handled correctly, but you said it wasn’t simple to handle so I’m not counting that.

Sorry for the false accusation :slight_smile: