rooDial a Wireless Volume Knob for Roon with Microsoft Surface Dial

Oh can a 3b or other pi models be used?

Never tried 3b because I have none, should do. Please test and report.

Thanks for the hint, changed it in the description

Combined zones are supported but in the moment volume over all zones is not consistent. I Work on that.

This looks very nice.
It is able to control device volume and dsp volume. Is it also able to control the volume if I have set my volume control for a zone in Roon to a Deep Harmony activity? I would like to be able to use both.

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Device volume:YES
DSP volume: YES
Deep Harmony volume: Just working on this maybeeā€¦


The Extension Manager supports closed source extensions (e.g. Deep Harmony, Entrypoints) in the form of Docker images. So if you are able to combine the compiled node application with the Bluetooth/Wifi functionality in a single image then it might be feasible. The difficulty is probably in the Bluetooth/Wifi stuff.

Thanks. Looking forward to this if possible.

Yep, no idea if docker is transparent for thatā€¦

Wifi is just network so no problem.
Bluetooth - have to declare/mount the device - I cant remember the details. I am sure someone here probably knows how.

As for deep harmony - if you need help - PM me. If anything is directly inter working with it on volume control, then I would like to ensure a good user experience for all involved and possibly this might need the re-activation if some now disabled code inside it for controlling non-incremental devices.

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@DrCWO its says multiple dials are supported. if this require additional licenses is there any option for discounts? how does one attach a dial to a zone? some screen shots would be helpful.

Thanks for what looks like a great little solution. Im trying get an affordable MSD now.

Want to ensure that I am understanding the requirements of the ecosystem you are building. Do I already need to be running the extension manager bits in docker/roon or is this all included in your image? Also, I am as interested in your upnp bridge, will I be able to run both on the same pi, or is a pi required for each?


Seems to install OK on a 4GB card, up and running now on my Pi Zero :slight_smile: I just need to get a Dial and a Lic - I assume the lic process is automated and send via email?

Also is there an upgrade option in the first month of the $12 option to the lifelong? Without a trail this could be something im happy with long term.


Just updated to include the new ā€œnext trackā€ double click feature - ! Iā€™m already very impressed by this Roon extension and Iā€™ll recommend your elegant and super convenient Roon remote to everyone using Roon now and in the future - thanks a lot!

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Multiple Dials means mutliple PIs and multiple licenses. You can get a rabate of 40% on each license if you act as an influencer on sellcodes. Each Pi has its own extension in roon so they are distinguishable even by name. Just try

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The license number is dislayed after the purchase in the web page.
Sellcodes has no upgrate option. You can buy a lifelong and hopefully get refund the one year license. I will talk to ssllcodes about refunding.

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I like to give end-user support in this forum and answers to general questions.
So please let us do technical discussions (docker, extension manager, integrationā€¦) in the thread I just created.
rooDial technical integration discusions - Roon Labs Community

Thanks DrCWO

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Hi @DrCWO,
This is a very compelling usecase. May I ask if you have looked into integration directly via Bluetooth with a PC or Mac that is running Roon Core? I understand the Raspberry PI approach for making it suitable for any setup over WiFi but wanted to check if bypassing that with a direct Bluetooth integration w/ the Core is possible.

Yargi, I have not.
I liked to create a solution for every system and easy to set up not only for Win or Mac!
Have you watched my videos? Give it a try! Buy some little parts, get 20 minutes to install, plug to the wall outlet and forget about it. No matter what platform you use.

I just discovered that the volume ā€œComfortā€ max-limit I have set in Roon (- 6 dB in my case) is simply overturned by rooDial that just continues all up to 0 dB using Ropieee as Roon bridge. I must admit I didnā€™t expect this to happen and Iā€™ll recommend this limit to be respected. Maybe this feature could become selectable in a future update?

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