rooExtend-Box: Plug-And-Play for Roon Extensions

Well, jRiver sends FLAC files and not FLAC streams that’s why it works.

Supporting FLAC format is not enough! There must be support for FLAC streams!

If you like you can forward this message to Burmester Support as I think they did not recognize that a FALC file is different from a FLAC stream. As I wrote before FLAC files have the length of the transmitted audio in their header. FLAC streams don’t have that because by definition a stream is endless.

Some elder players do support FLAC files but not FLAC streams. Ask for a firmware update that supports FLAC streams, maybe that can provide this.

Best DrCWO

habe den rooExtend in Verbindung mit der Space mouse laufen. Leider funktioniert Blutooth nur bis 2 Meter dann reisst die Verbindung ab. Kann man da was machen ?
Andreas aus Rostock

Hallo Andreas,
die Space Mouse Wireless hat kein Bluetooth sondern ihren eigenen Transmitter. Der nutzt zwar das selbe Frequenzband ist aber kein Bluetooth. Daher hilft natürlich die Verwendung der beiliegenden Bluetooth-Antenne auch nichts.

Das Einzige was ich als Versuch empfehlen würde wäre folgendes:

  • Beschaffe dir ein USB-Verlängerungskabel
  • Stecke das zwischen die rooExtend-Box und den Transmier der Space Mouse Wireless

Damit bist du in der Lage den Transmitter etwas entfernter von der rooExtend-Box abzulegen, vielleicht sogar etwas näher an deinem Hörplatz. Damit entfällt die Abschirmung der Funksignale durch die metallene rooExtend-Box und die Reichweite sollte etwas steigen, vielleicht um 1-2 Meter.

Nachdem die Space Mouse wie das WLAN auch auf 2.4GHz funkt, könnte es auch helfen deinen Router auf 5GHz umzustellen damit Störungen vom WLAN geringer werden.

Solltest du dir irgendwann einen gebrauchten Nuimo ergattern können, dann ist da die Reichweite wegen der Antenne schon deutlich größer, bei mir im Haus um die 10m.

Ich hoffe das hilft dir etwas weiter.

Viele Grüße DrCWO

Ich benutze die Space Mouse auf eine ungefähre Distanz von 6 m problemlos.

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@DrCWO I have received the rooExtend box a day or two ago and had it up and running and working with rooDial. However, the card was running on a version 3.0.x and so was not showing up rooHead. No updates were pushed overnight and using the browser control setting through the box’s IP address to manually force an update didn’t work either. I flashed the SD card with rooExtend.3.1.x from the google drive pages, but now the box won’t start up properly (just a constant solid red light). I am on a Mac so not sure if I need to format the card a particular way (have tried both ExFAT and FAT), but any help appreciated.

The reason for missing rooHead in the rooExtend-box is that it was not yet released on this platform. As the rooExtend-box is a ready to run product the software is tested much more before being released.

The image you downloaded is for the Raspberry Pi and is not compatible with the rooExtend-box.

So please put the original SD-card back into the rooExtend-Box and wait until we release v3.1.x on the rooExtend-box.

Best DrCWO

Ahh. This was not at all clear from the documentation so rather embarrassingly I have overwritten the SD card that came with the rooExtend box. How do I best get a further copy of this?

Many thanks @DrCWO for taking the time to get me back on track.

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:exclamation::exclamation: rooExtend v3.1.2 is out for the rooExtend-Box :exclamation::exclamation:

Hi everybody,
right now I have published the v3.1.2 release for the rooExtend-Box.

It now offers the rooHead Roon Extension for easy calculation of headphone equalizers.

For more details please watch my rooHead product page.

Best DrCWO

Forgive me if I have misunderstood the equaliser files situation, but I was under the impression that Jaakko Pasanen’s equalisation files are for freely available anyone to add to Roon’s dsp system?

I forgive you :grin:
I already answered your question here.
Skilled people can do that but didn’t get the additional features.

Best DrCWO

Carl, thanks for your forgiveness :joy:

I usually catch all of your posts but certainly missed that one, all is now much clearer thank you & thanks for the link :+1:t4:

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Just bought a 7 day license for the extension to try UpNP to my Marantz AV10. I cannot find anywhere to download Windows or macos extensions. What am I missing? I have the license code.

Hi @Thomas_Strade,
I guess you own a rooExtend Box as you are writing here.
Just enter the license code you bought in the License Manager of rooExtend.
You find the rooExtend License Managernin Roon Settings/Extensions

Best DrCWO

Thank you for the reply, Dr. Oehlrich. No I do not own the box. I thought this was an extension to enable upnp on Roon to target existing upnp players I have on my network. My apologies for the misunderstanding.

I cannot comprehend why Roon doesn’t support upnp - Audivrana does and it works perfectly with my AV processor. Oh well. Thanks for the reply. It’s nice that you made a solution to this obsurd omission by Roon but I really don’t need another piece of hardware.

Done. Sorry !

Hi, I am from Japan, and I am thinking about buying your rooExtend-box. But since I am a newbie at this, I just want to make sure that my setup will be compatible with your product.

My Roon Core is run by Roon Nucleus+ Rev.B, my two preamps are 1. Linn Klimax DSM Organik and 2. Marantz AV8805 (HDMI).

With the rooExtend-box + rooWatch,

  1. can I control my roon software from my Apple Watch?
  2. Do I need anything else to run it?
  3. Does your product affect the sound quality of my setup in any way?

Thank you in advance!

The rooExtend-Box is compatible with your Roon Nucleus+ but also runs with Roon on any other platform.

rooWatch controls the volume of Roon only. So if you use DSP volume it will change this if you use Device volume this will be altered.

The rooExtend-box is not in the signal path using rooWatch, rooNuimo, rooDial or roo6D. So there is absolutely no signal degradation. Only the Roon volume slider will be moved by those Roon Extensions.

If you like you also can use the RooExtend-Box as a Roon Streamer if you connect any USB DAC to its USB connector.

For further questions please feel free to get back to me.

Best DrCWO

I don’t quite understand this so can you explain it to me once again?

My situation when using rooWatch would be when I am in my bar area (Marantz Zone 2), away from the setup, so controlling Roon from my Apple Watch will be helpful.

Adding to that, I am currently using the Heos app (on my iPhone) to control Marantz. And sometimes for some unknown reason, when I try to bring the volume up, it just loses control and the volume goes to the max, which is very stressful as well as damaging my speakers. Will this problem be negated when using your products? I ask this because you also have antennas like my Marantz.

If you have WiFi access in your bar area rooWatch will exactly work as you expected. Select the Maranz Zone and turn the knob on the Watch to change volume.

As far as I know the Maranz is not Roon Ready but supports UPnP instead. Inside the rooExtend-Box there is a Roon Extension called rooUPnP. With this you can stream from Roon directly to your Maranz receiver (not using limited Airplay) in best possible quality up to 24/192. With rooWatch and rooUPnP operating you won’t have trouble with volume jumping up as volume is controlled by Roon via UPnP in this case.

You can try this scenario as the rooExtend-Box comes with both Roon Extensions being licensed for a 60 days trial period.

I recommend to use wired Ethernet to the Maranz receiver and to the rooExtend-Box to get best audio performance.

If you have further questions please let me know.

Best DrCWO