Hi Jean,
On the iPad, go to Device Setup for the iPad and unselect Private Zone.
Cheers, Greg
Hi Jean,
On the iPad, go to Device Setup for the iPad and unselect Private Zone.
Cheers, Greg
I’d be interested to understand why you’re disappointed with Tidal. Roon + Tidal has changed the way I listen and discover music. Occasionally I’m mildly frustrated that music in my collection isn’t available, but I imagine that would be the same for all streaming services.
Regarding MQA, I’m ambivalent and undecided about the perceived benefits. I’m certainly not in the camp that will rush out and buy an MQA-ready DAC.
I’ve just returned from a business trip and was pleasantly surprised to see my iPhone listed in zones this evening. But the most notable change I’ve seen in the last few minutes is that I’m returned to the selection (screen) and not the first when browsing from View All. Tidal Masters is improved too. These UI improvements are really important to me because Roon is foremost about discovering and enjoying music.
That appears to be the case. My Dragonfly Red USB DAC is playing at its full 96 resolution when connected to my IPad used as a Roon endpoint. I can do the same with DietPi, (although I normally have other DACs connected to my Pi endpoints). So the end result appears to be the same. However, others have reported that Audeze DACs are not playing at their full resolution due to Audeze-specific issues.
Hi Greg
Thanks lot
Now working
Interesting ! I actually didn’t know that I needed iOS playback. Need to get me the cans I was lurking around now. Love the new queue by the way. Thanks guys.
Just curious but why do you have 6 versions in different quality of one album to begin with if you do not even want to play the lower quality files. Keep the best sounding, throw away the others, problem solved I guess, or am I missing something?
Just curious as to why you’re using this driver. Pro Ject provides an ASIO driver for use of this DAC.
I’m sure many people keep different versions. I might have the original album and then a remastered release. I don’t want to delete the original version, but I want Roon to play me the remastered version. One of Roon’s many functions is to manage duplicates, so the concept of keeping multiple versions isn’t contrary to Roon. But Roon does know whether the tracks are the same across albums from what I can tell, so it ought to be playing the highest quality version.
Great release!
Loving the new queue.
Need to try playing with the new Radio (haven’t used radio at all thus far because it was honestly unusable). So far looks very nice.
Still anxiously waiting for Radio 2.0 phase II (The perfect music discovery tool)
oh and I have an idea for when you do that - allow customization for the known/unknown music ratio (e.g. 95% tracks from my library, 5% from outside my library)
Radio plays tracks, not albums! I keep my albums collected over time and yes they are of different quality. Why should I go through my library and start to delete tracks of minor quality out of albums that Roon Radio will select the best quality available? Shouldn‘t Roon Radio be intelligent enough to play the track at it‘s best available quality? Shure, when I‘m listening to an album I play it entirely in the version and quality I have available, but when I play tracks or Radio plays tracks, in my opinion, the track with best quality should be selected unless there are other differences, like, other special mastering, live performance, or so. Here, in this case a minor quality track has been selected by Radio that is the same version, same lenght of the track with inferior quality than what I have in my library. And Roon knows the content of the library.
Liking the new non-destructive playlist, I mean - queue.
Nodded out last night, but my selections are still there to be replayed tonite. Also, since I listen mostly to albums, the collapse and expand function lets me go back to an album I may have checked out of prematurely.
Never used radio function too much. I didn’t like what it returned. I tried it out again last nite and turned on radio for when my Zu album ended. The result was a DJ-like curated playlist of avant garde jazz. Hey, that’s why it’s called ‘radio’. Ok, I get it, now.
Liking the new release.
Yes, of course - I was describing an issue I used to have which is elegantly solved by the new version 1.4 behavior.
Loving the new Radio algorithm, I steered clear of Radio before but I haven’t stopped using it since 1.4 installed yesterday.
The new non-destructive queue functionality is awesome as well, the way you can edit by dragging played tracks is very intuitive. Love it, love it.
Hey @xxx maybe you should read up on the definition of “queue”
I understand queue as in the computer science meaning, which is a destructive FIFO list. (as contrasted with a stack, which is a destructive LIFO list)
Anyway, you say tomato, I say tomato. Hmm, guess that doesn’t work when it’s written.
I’ve been “testing” shuffle and radio all day (as though I have some operational QA relevance) and it is definitely different. That is good - it’s not repeating the same olds. We will see if it repeats something else, but so far, I have really enjoyed the revamped playback options. Thank you again Roon for hearing us. I never stopped using Roon every day, but now it feels like a new toy again.
This is not meant critically, but I agree, I would love for phase 2, whenever it is ready (phase 1 will take me a while to digest) to be configurable regarding various attributes of radio (curated) playback. I think some of this could be applied to shuffle too.
There would be:
depth (how deep into an artist or other group to go);
breadth (how far afield from the core attribute to go);
whether to include only your library, only Tidal outside of your library, or both - i.e. for discovery, enjoyment, or both;
fast tempo versus slow;
emphasis on artists where you have many albums or weighting all artists equally;
hits versus deep cuts versus deeper cuts;
whether to weight past plays towards playback or to scrape the bottom of your collection;
These could be layered to make creating a radio like mixing a cocktail.
The results could be bookmarks that allow for a very quick but super curated radio playback. Even cooler, allow us to create and import graphics for bookmarks since they would then be somewhat like our personal mix tapes. We all decorated our mix tapes, right?
That brings me to a related point. I’d like to be able to use custom graphics for bookmarks and tags, rather than the default member mosaic.
Sorry disagrees. Sounds the same it always has which is great.
Great update! Awesome to have iOS output.
Something that was annoying for me about the iOS apps before was that every time you switched to the Roon app (from another app) it had to reconnect and took several seconds (seems like a long time when you are flipping back and forth). Now it looks nearly immediate (maintains a connection I guess).
@Kman explained that the Audeze Cipher cable/DAC/amp uses iOS software that allows the cans to support other functions like phone calls, and that model is limited to 48k. USB devices don’t have that conn3ction. So Audeze headphones connected to a USB DAC would do everyth8ng,
In spite of this, I like the Cipher, very nicely integrated volume controls, and 5he sound is good.
I shifted this discussion into its own thread in the Audio Products/Audeze section as it seemed neater. My apartment, however, is still a mess.
About to try that myself. Great feature. Overall great updates. Thoughtful UI changes, and the main thing for me is it’s all much snappier. Quick album and page loads compared to before (running A Macmini rig with SSD).