Roon 1.6 Feedback Thread

The Q bar has been reported a few times further up the thread. Roon will look at it.

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Yes, a zone is selected. I think the issue is MacOS specific. Actually:

  • the issue with cmd-M occurs when Roon is not full screen, the app gets minimised. Ctrl-M works fine all the time.
  • Ctrl-M or Cmd-M do not cut the sound is the device is set to “fixed volume”, works OK if “device volume” or “DSP volume”. Maybe it’s the expected behaviour
  • Ctrl-/ works for DSP, but NOT Cmd-/

EDIT: why not having Ctrl-D for DSP instead of Ctrl-/ ? Would be more intuitive (and like Jriver :slight_smile: ). The slash is for filtering already.

That Google is following Apple’s round photo trend is one thing but that Roon is also following does not make sense to me. Album covers and artist pics are always square or rectangular - using a round canvas is not logical and will often make for a bad fit.


Navigation became really, really slow…
I even got the “your internet connection is slow” message several times.
Of course my connection remained the same : powerful.
Anyone else experiencing this annoying problem ?


Same here.

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I have seen this mentioned several times.
But I don’t think it has anything to do with Qobuz.
If I had a Tidal album added to my library, and had also bought it (CD RIP or download), both would appear in my library. Most of the time as versions, sometimes they were not recognized as the same album and I had to do that (4 clicks).
From what I read here, it works the same if you have bought it from Quobuz. Right?
I think that is correct and consistent behavior. It doesn’t matter if you bought it from Quobuz, a download and a streamed version both exist. :sunglasses:

Loading page with album/s (yes even one) by artist is VERY SLOW.
15-45s wait!


You make me happy with this release !

As a french user, I have a request.

When I select French langage in Roon setting, is it possible to have the album & artist description extract from Qobuz France, rather than Tidal information in English ?

some screen to show you:
result in Roon with Qobuz album:

Now what I found on Qobuz French desktop about this album

and about this album & at the right about the artist:

I’m sure you can do that !


A post was merged into an existing topic: 1.6 New search great but very slow to get results

Big congrats on the release Roon team. Much to explore and enjoy! As a Qobuz user I immediately entered my credentials and dived in. Well done.

It seems however that with my Qobuz account active, Roon’s revamped search is extremely slow. Typicaly 20 seconds or more of the animated Roon logo before results (From Library and Qobuz) appear, and once or twice so far a time-out. When I temporarily disable Qobuz the search is lightning fast on my local network library. Unlikely to be an Internet speed issue as Qobuz own app is responsive on same searches (I measure ca 35 Mbps down, 8 Mbps up).

It may be that there is a lot of indexing / scanning going on after the update, slowing things down: but in that case I would expect search to be affected regardless of Qobuz being enabled.

Any thoughts / suggestions? Is this expected behaviour? Anyone else noticing very slow search speed with Qobuz account active?


About an hour ago I decided to take the new Roon Radio out for a spin. I started it out with a local Mark Knopfler track but since then every single track has come from Tidal. Is this the way it’s supposed to work? I know where the setting is to force Radio to just local files but I would have thought it would mix and match.


Great job on the radio guys, it seems to have better taste in choosing music than I do :grinning:

I do agree with the bottom bar moans, colour doesn’t seem to blend in with either light or dark.

I’m tempted to trial Qobuz but I’ve actually been happy with Tidal so I’m in no hurry.

Thanks for the continued improvement


+1 on tonedeaf’s experience that if local library is selected for search the results are much quicker, still slower than the old search including streaming sources tho. I currently only have Tidal added no Qobuz

Not sure I agree:

A post was merged into an existing topic: 1.6 New search great but very slow to get results

Happy with the additions

Roon Radio draws on Local and Streaming music, but it doesn’t apply any proportional filter. It just plays the best fit it can find, avoiding repetition etc. It is finding better matches for this seed on Tidal. Each seed will differ as to the proportion of Local or Streaming content, depending on your library

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Not that there’s anything wrong with the Tidal descriptions but having the choice (ie. going from one to another) would definitely be an improvement.


Thanks, totally forgot. Was too annoyed by the Karaoke size lyrics on my TV to remember. Nice to see they still scroll with a mouse…now if they weren’t so BIG!