Roon 1.6 Feedback Thread

I like the new waveform, but I still miss waveform for streaming tunes (and dynamic range). I simply refuse to believe its such an hard feature to implement, and its such a nice feature since it immediately tells how much of “loundness war” has destroyed the tunes.

@brian maybe can shed some light on this issue, which has been in demand for several years.


Thanks for the reply. I got 13 songs from Tidal, then 1 local, then 7 more from Tidal before I gave up. The matches weren’t very good so I’m trying again with a different seed to see how it goes.

Loving it!

Radio seems to be performing pretty well. I love that it dips into Tidal and that there’s a link on Now Playing to add to the library.

Idea: when Roon dips into Tidal, there could be some buttons that allow the user to refine his or her Radio criteria - for example “Play more new wave” “Play more music from the 1990s” or “Play more music with female vocalists.” It can note a few characteristics of each track and offer those as a more refined Radio option?

Have yet to discover the inevitable glitches, but first response is sheer joy that Qobuz is available – I’ve used it for years on a French account, and now that it integrates with Roon I can retire my other music software and subscribe once my trial period expires. Come to think of it, why delay if I take out a lifetime’s sub…

Yay! Get Sharable link works again.

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Can’t seem to add a track to a Qobuz playlist? When I click the Add to Playlist the list is empty, presumable Roon only looks after its own playlists? This is a downer for me as I have dozens of Qobuz playlists and use them all the time, I don’t really want to move everything to Roon as that would mean when I listen from a Qobuz app (say out and about on headphones) I wouldn’t have up to date playlists. Auralic Lightning manages this Im surprised Roon doesn’t.

PS I’m new to Roon, just checking it futon trial now that Qobuz is integrated :blush:

Internally, we have a list with hundreds of ideas, feature requests, technical debt items, bugs, and ways to move the product forward. Some very large, some very small. Each release, we have to pick 5-10. There of course constraints/inputs to this process that go beyond the feature request forum. Age of request and effort level are minor factors in the decision making compared to other concerns…just because something is a good idea, or not a huge amount of work or someone had the idea long ago doesn’t mean it gets done quickly.

Often the best way to fit a medium sized project like this in is to find efficiencies by bundling related work. In this case, the feature will come next time we overhaul audio analysis. It’s not going to be done by itself because it really makes no project planning sense to do it in isolation.

For that project, we’ll add some more extracted “facts” about the audio (not sure exactly what yet), make the waveform display more closely match perceptual loudness, will add a shared cache for analysis results, so that analysis effort can be distributed more efficiently, and will support on-the-fly analysis of service content as it plays, backed by the same cache infrastructure. It’ll be a nice iteration when it happens. I’m not sure when that will be.


Our servers are processing about 5x the normal load because of all of the attention post-release. This happens every major release, but our user base also grows a lot from one to the next, so each time it’s a larger thing to manage. We’re doing operational work to mitigate this now, and it’s gotten a lot better in the past hour or two. It will continue to smooth out as things go back to normal over the next few days.


Congrats on the update - went smooth.
Search is super slow (Qobuz active).

Qobuz integration!
DSP on/off via mobile!
A real search!
Radio opens up and has the potential to become intelligent!

Radio: why start over when starting from the active song? This is a party breaker and there is no reason for it. When starting Radio from currently playing song, please just create the queue. And don’t restart the song. Never. Ever.
Radio: thump up / down for a song you maybe / most likely don’t know? Makes no sense. And when it’s playing you can’t give feedback (HERE a thumbs up/down would be appropriate. Please see how Spotify handles this. So much better. They even ask you if this is about the song or the artist.). Please rethink this.
DSP: any change to any value interrupts the playing music, even when DSP is inactive. Makes no sense and is very frustrating. It should know, when to apply changes and only then interrupt (which I accept hardly).
Bottom bar: Function to “heart” a song directly is removed. So much space there, but the heart gone? Why?
Now playing: Prominent cover art should at least be an option.
Now playing: Why can’t we swipe the screens? But can touch the whole area left and right? At least questionable from a usability perspective.
Tidal Integration: Tidal now offers personalized Mixes. A bit disappointed, that I don’t find them in Roon.
Search: To much wasted space. I want results. A lot of them in one screen to identify the one I was looking for…

Thanks for all the hard work!


Wait until she is 60 years old and you play that record again:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Ooh, I’ve wanted this and hadn’t noticed, nice! Love the implementation, a simple on/off/bypass, perfect for a small device.

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That sounds pretty awesome :+1:

Great release! Subjectively it sounds even better than the previous one. Thank you guys for all your work!

On another note: did anybody have a chance to AB the same album from Tidal and Qobuz?


Thanks for the response Brian. Makes perfect sense to me. And bags of kudos to the whole team for managing this and moving things forward with yet another very promising release.

Stuff can’t comment on.
Tidal haven’t released the API for the daily mixes so can’t be put in roon yet.

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i’ll write my two pennies of … disappointment about the new 1.6 release.
i’m not going to talk about qobuz, that i’m sure is an improvement.

  1. no changes in the UI, except in now playing and search. so, all problems in the artists pictures are still unsolved (fronthead, and resolution in “discover” page)

  2. roon radio. no options at all on users side: no way to select a genre, or to randomize on albums (instead of tracks), or other options. the “new” is in the so-called machine learning engine… ok, maybe. i’ll stay on the “random radio” extension, that works.

  3. i don’t like the karaoke feeling of the “now playing” track lyrics. but i don’t care. in the track credits section of the “now playing” page you cannot chose to show credits by name (only by role.). but the albums and artist infos on the “now playing” page do fill something missing…

  4. now, the search page. this is really the worst thing. this is what i see on a PC screen:

    -90% of black screen
    -6 main results on artist (and 6 on albums).
    -very small and round images… not a good idea when 70% of roon artists pictures already cut faces
    -PERFORMERS ARE DISAPPEARED. and this is frankly quite incomprehensible to me. i don’t know if the new search page merges the artists and the performers (maybe a good idea in the search page, i don’t know). it seems so… but for the “michael” search (or even for “john”) it shows 40 results… quite impossible in my library (2000 artists and 10000 performers).

i don’ know, maybe i’m overcritical.
anyway, in the release notes i don’t see anything in the new metadata engine that should solve the duplicate artists problem. is that a new feature?


I really like(d) Spotify’s ability to create radio stations based on a playlist, and/or suggest tracks to add to a playlist.

I’ve found a ton of music by seeding a playlist with 3-12 tracks, and let Spotify build a radio station / suggest more to add.

So, I respectfully disagree that playlists are not good radio seeds – they work great for me.


Thanks for the clarification. I was expecting something like that. To bad…

No perceptual analysis, no sign of retrograde DSP functionality, still STILL, hey guys it’s 2019, no dilithium delineation. I’m certainly not going to renew my lifetime subscription at this rate.
