Roon 1.6 Feedback Thread

Ok another Qobuz integration problem is how Roon handles my Qobuz favourites. Qobuz (in keeping with other streaming platforms) keeps favourited tracks and albums separate, obviously, just because I like a track doesn’t mean I like the entire album! Roon has decided all favourites are equal and added the lot to my library, so now I have hundreds of albums in my library with one track in them…

That’s how it works for Tidal too. Roon works at an album level. Favourite a Tidal track get that track)album combo.

I must be missing something, how do you remove an album from your library? This is a Qobuz album I added by mistake whilst playing? The ‘Add to Library’ button was pretty obvious, for the life of me I can’t find a ‘Remove from Library’ button anywhere?

In edit album remove album at the bottom of the list. Same as it is for any library album.

I’m thinking you haven’t really explored the changes yet, because you’re missing a lot of stuff…

And the new DSP screen. And the footer–which is visible on every screen of the app…and many changes everywhere to scale Roon to a second streaming service, and …

This has been commented on higher up in this thread and elsewhere–new images/cropping metadata need to be downloaded, that will happen over the next 7-10 days in the background and will improve many (not all—all is impossible) of these cases.

There are two options (limit to library, filter explicit content), accessible via the “3 dots” menu on the queue page. I commented above in this thread about the topic of adding more tuning parameters.

You have the facts wrong here–it is possible to start radio on genres, albums, tracks, artists.


Thanks - sorry I’m new to Roon and so far I’m finding it a little obtuse, is the interface due for a rethink or update?

This is for the devs - if adding an album to your library is so prominent why is removing it hidden down in the edit menu? I maybe answering my own question when I say I presume it is because Roon is primarily for file management and in that case its unlikely you would add an album to your library if you didn’t mean to. However for streamers like me I’m always adding and removing favourites - as I listen and think maybe I don’t need to keep this album in my favourites after all. Favourites and Library aren’t the same thing are they - maybe Roon is overkill for me, even though I love the metadata and new Radio…


I think you would benefit from reading the user guides and browsing the forum to get a feel.
If you want to add things to get a feel without add/delete to library add them to a playlist, I have a “???” Playlist. Very easy to add and remove.
Yes you did answer your own question.
Edit: better answer from Brian.

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Keep asking questions and making comments though. It’s a forum for just that!:grinning:

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Because across the usage of the whole product, only a few % of albums added are ever deleted. When you have a feature that is used 30x more than another, you generally give them different levels of accessibility/prominence in the UI.

I do agree that library/favorites need to be separated somehow when it comes to streaming services. For Qobuz we copied the model that we used for TIDAL back in 2015 because it was more expedient not to open up a project to re-define how the whole library works right now, but we do plan to come back to this.

One note to all the posters - play with this version for a while before commenting (like I did :yum:). I started posting right away and you know what, you need to use this thing for a bit.

For example, there is a pop up window on every page that tells you what’s coming next so you can veto it if you want to, or build the queue whatever page you are on.

Another example, if you skip a track during Radio, it asks you why. You can dismiss it but this is how you build the AI.

So the comments above about the thumbs up/down - there is a way to provide the feedback both before play and after you’ve skipped.

Point being, let’s play with this. Then let’s comment. There’s stuff…


Congrats on the release. Much improved. Looking forward to trying out all the new features/ improvements.

I agree with other comments that it does sound better, but it could be this bottle of Pinot noir.
Funny how our brains make our ears hear differently if we think something is new but I would swear there is audio improvement

What I just have to mention:

  1. Update went totally smooth. ROCK Core, Mac, the Raspi bridges and the apk for my offline Android table: downloaded + installed & everything was running again fine after a few minutes. Good job!

  2. @brian - great job you’re doing here explaining and taking care of questions. You sure must feel a bit like that search server, taking such a load … Respect! Same goes to the entire team reading all this and typing their fingers off here or “rotating in the background”. :+1:


Unreal the scope of what Roon has delivered as a point upgrade… serious kudos to the dev and product vision people. Max respect on, just for instance, the now playing screen. The fact that your product owner and dev team is willing to step back and totally re-think something… well it just doesn’t happen that often in my experience. You Roonies are making my lifetime sub feel like the smartest money I have ever spent on audio…

Oh and thanks for helping me rationalize the purchase of my new 12.9 iPad Pro :slight_smile:

You guys are killing it.

Great job!


On the search screen, if I choose “all albums” I cannot page with the arrow keys. I can scroll with the vertical scroll bar. When I land on other pages and I need to page the screen then, the other arrow keys work fine.

Liking the new functionality but not the poor aesthetic of a lot of the UI changes. I like the queue pop up for example from a functional perspective but it just seems completely disconnected from the rest of the roon look and feel. Really don’t like the footer at all. Hope this is some kind of interim UI release with something more coherent in the pipeline.

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But you can’t please ALL of the people ALL of the time. I think Abraham Lincoln said that…

Whilst not wanting to be over protective to the Roon dev team it will only be incremental change for features that requested by someone at some stage, have been tested and can be delivered. Yes, i know we all pay for the privilege but i really don’t think that Brian and co should have to launch a major defence of the developments with each release. I also agree with the posters that are urging the features to be played with an lived with for a period before making a balanced judgement. Its been like 24 hours guys…


The point is that I don’t want the same album added to my library twice. I’ve bought hundreds of albums from Qobuz that are already in my Roon library. Then when I first signed into Qobuz from the new Roon 1.6 all those albums were automatically imported into my library for a second time. This is pointless. Those would be the albums I least wanted to be imported from Qobuz because I’ve already bought and imported them. The irony is that Qobuz’s best customers suffer most because they are the most swamped by these duplicate entries (four thousand clicks, not just four)!

However, having signed out of Qobuz, and cleaned the Library in Settings, I then signed back into Qobuz and mysteriously the Qobuz-streamed versions of my purchases are this time recognised as nested versions, so they don’t appear twice in Albums, Overview, Recent, search, etc. I’ve no idea why it’s now behaving differently, but I’m glad it is!




You are not wrong. However, the difference here is that, unlike Tidal, Qobuz sells downloads and if someone has bought these downloads and is also a Roon user, chances are good that these purchased downloads are already in that user’s Roon library. No need to add them again


I had the same issue

Here is how I fixed it.

  1. performed the update of the Operating system and then did a roon serer software restart and then a physical reboot.
  2. my ipad needed a IOS update, so i applied that
  3. the roon app on the ipad needed to be updated from the app store, did that
    then it worked

I love that when Radio begins to play a song I don’t know – and don’t have in my collection – the default trigger is to add the Album to my library, rather than just the single.

I love that when attempting to “teach” Roon what I like, skipping a track doesn’t immediately assume dislike, but lets me contextualize the track advance.

I’ve been waiting for the Radio feature for a while (probably since the Rdio streaming service died and I found Roon), and so far it looks like it’s going to significantly improve new music discovery.

Nice work.