if i switched from tidal to qobuz can i transfer over 2000 saved albums/artists tidal favourites to qobuz? i only use roon with tidal no local library.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding. We are refreshing the UI a few screens at a time…
Currently (Broadly):
New Look+Feel:
- Footer
- Onboarding Screens
- Play Actions
- Zone Controls
- Queue
- Now Playing
Old Look+Feel:
- Album/Track/etc Details Screens
- Album/Track/etc Browsers
- Overview / Discover Screens
- Internet Radio
- Settings
- Most other dialog boxes
We are doing it this way because we want to deliver value with these UI changes–not just a new look+feel. Look+feel updates are low value releases. We have more important things to do than a new coat of paint…but we still want one. So we figured out how to get it–bundle some real functional benefits with the UI refresh of each screen and release more often.
- The new search screen came with a whole new search engine under the hood
- The new zone controls came with improvements around volume limits and a few other minor changes
- The new onboarding screens came with device auto-identification/auto-configuration.
- The new play actions came with configurability + rethink of some of the play options.
- The new queue came with an overhaul of the underlying behavior to make it non-destructive.
- The new now playing screen is a destination instead of an afterthought shoved into the queue screen
- The DSP screen came with a re-think of the approach to presets + more accessibility on mobile devices.
If we made you wait for us to do these “UI + extras” improvements to each screen in the app at once, you’d be going 2 years or more without a release from us. I don’t think that would be better. We’ve been gradually releasing these changes since late 2017. Hopefully by later this year everything will be in the same design language again.
The internet radio screen will be re-done when we release a radio directory (work in progress). When we redo the details screens + overview/discover, we will be improving them with more of the smart stuff that is behind radio–easier access to related content, recommendations, etc. I want this product to help people explore. Finishing up settings + dialog boxes are “crumbs” that will be fit in somewhere along the way–there aren’t many functional changes to consider there.
A post was split to a new topic: Error when playing Qobuz album
Brian just wanted to say that the consideration you put into communications to the forum is noted and appreciated… it is very rare in my experience to see this kind of white glove care delivered in this kind of venue.
Sadly, “hearted” tracks are still poorly treated.
For example, I search for a track named “willie the wimp”. There seems to be no way for me to see which of them I’ve selected as my favorites vs. one’s I haven’t.
I can’t seem to filter based on ones that I’ve favorited either.
Not natively in roon. Soundiiz a 3rd party service will do it all.
ill take a look at soundiiz thanks.
If my spouse being able to use Roon is a really important design goal (and I hope it is), you should spend more time working on the iPhone app.
Not a fan of the new now playing section color at the bottom. Makes it stand out too much, taking away from the understated elegance that I prefer.
You guys did something HUGE in the sound improvement dept. I usually listen with headphones. Just switching from 1.5.x to 1.6 gave me better and deeper bass, crisp highs, great dynamic range and microdetail. IMHO.
Maybe it’s just me. I am no audiophile.
Anyone else having issues identifying albums? Even for known albums that are already in my library, when I try to identify, I get blank artist and album info and Roon ask me to help it manually.
It has improved tremendously.
Thanks for the clarification.
I am mostly using a lap top as a remote. I am noticing a lot of inconsistencies with the arrow keys depending on which screen I am in. I have the feeling those differences are down to which of two UI’s I land in? Is basic navigation also only going to be aligned in the iterative way you describe? I sometimes use an iPAD but I haven’t had time to check if there are similar differences in navigation between the two UI’s. I never use a phone.
Yeah, toplevel navigation will be addressed along that path too. I think arrow keys are probably just bugs (@vova, maybe this topic needs a review to make sure it’s in all of the test cases–it’s very easy to miss during development).
I understand the problem.
But let me offer a few counters:
- I have a Quobuz or Tidal album in my library, I like it so much that I buy my own copy. Should the service version disappear? If I buy it from Quobuz and the service version was from Quobuz? What if I bought it from somewhere else? What if I bought it from Quobuz but had it in Tidal?
- Does it depend on timing? If I buy first and then add the service version? Vice versa? Only for bulk import due to service signup?
- What if the versions were not the same resolution? Often the download is higher res than the stream, but it could be the other way around? Which should be deleted? Maybe I want both versions so I can compare — when I was young and foolish I spent time comparing MQA and high res and CD and DSD and MP3.
- (For the moment) we don’t have mobile Roon, and inclusion in the Roon library is equivalent to Tidal Favorite status (I don’t know if that is true for Quobuz, can’t sign up yet). For my favorite albums I often buy a high-res copy, or just any copy to protect the future, but I also want them favorited in the service so I can listen on the road. (Although @Brian suggested that this library/favorite coupling should go away.)
That’s just to illustrate that it is tricky to generalize from a particular experience. I definitely agree that the experience is not good if the local and service versions are not recognized as Versions and show up twice in the browser, as shown in some pictures here. Is that common with Quobuz? Extremely rare with Tidal
There are a lot of differences which are especially noticeable when both UI’s are doing something similar. For example a group of albums will page with the arrow keys in the old UI but not in the new. Seems you must use a scroll bar instead. There are many other examples. Arrows will scroll artist and composer bio in the old UI but will page to completely different content in the new UI.
@brian: Does Roon Radio keep reaching back to the initial seed of the Queue (the song, album, or artist where Radio was initially selected) when selecting what to play next, or do the parameters for suggested songs get wider based on what I pick or mix into the queue as Radio is playing? If the latter, that in essence is using a disparate group of songs to populate the Radio stream.
If I see a connection between Tool, Miles Davis, and Elbow, how can I teach Radio to use these seemingly disconnected artists to seed a Radio queue? Wouldn’t that be a “playlist as seed” of sorts?
It’s organized around the seed.
You are misunderstanding how it’s learning here. You don’t produce enough usage data by yourself to teach an algorithm much of anything–the power comes from aggregating the statistics across hundreds of millions of plays and many individuals. So you will never teach it this, but if many people show the same connections in their individual behavior, the algorithm will eventually learn it.
There are some aspects where it does learn from you (particularly the feedback provided when skipping) and use that to influence personal results, but these are mostly negative–i.e. avoiding picks that you’ve already told us you don’t like again, stuff like that. The part of the system that learns which things are connected to others works on everyone’s data together. That isn’t a shortcoming–it is just how this stuff works everywhere.
A post was merged into an existing topic: “Album View” in Now Playing?