Qobuz Stops Playing on Devialet

Hello All,

We are investigating some playback issues with Qobuz at the present time. Can I please ask you to provide the following information so that we can understand this issue better for our investigation?

  1. Are you able to play (Assume Form by James Blake) on the Qobuz web player until the track has concluded ? Link to track is as follows: (https://play.qobuz.com/album/i6yfb3qats3rc ). We’ve confirmed this album should be streamable in every country except Poland and if you are only able to play 30 seconds of this track, please see Mike’s post here:
    (Qobuz errors: too many failures, playback stopped )
  1. Are you able to play the same track (Assume Form by James Blake) in Roon all the way until completion using Qobuz integration? If you are not able to do so, please provide the exact local time in your country for the playback attempt (ex: 1:36PM on 1/25/19)
  1. If you have a TIDAL subscription as well, are you able to play back the TIDAL version of that track and does it work as expected until completion? If you are not able to do so, please provide the exact local time in your country for the playback attempt (ex: 1:36PM on 1/25/19)
  1. Does logging out and back into Qobuz help resolve the playback issue?
  1. Can you post a screenshot of your Signal Path while the track is playing? You can use these instructions to upload screenshots to Community.
  1. What Qobuz subscription tier do you have?

Please let me know this information and then I can enable diagnostics mode for your accounts and see if there are any similar patterns in the reports.
