Roon 1.7 - What is new?

Android Autosuggest sucks maybe …

3 posts were split to a new topic: Adding and correcting lyrics

For me, the only really noticeable, useful improvement is the suggestions from Tidal which pop up a lot of the time, when I’m viewing a specific album. As far as I understand it, this is part of the Valence implementation.

Otherwise, I’m noticing speed improvements in searches when Tidal is active. I’d deactivated Tidal because of the poor search performance for a long while. So I guess that’s 2 improvements, lol :slight_smile:

P.S. As others have said, a lot of the modding has been under the hood so to speak. Good stuff imho!!

Exactly…radio were available on itunes 20 years ago :joy:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Roon 1.7 Feedback Thread

I just saw this “impressive” list of Volumio improvements…well, in reality, the software is so buggy that is is almost impossible to use it on a regular basis and they need fast updates to keep the player going.
My adventure with Computer Audio started a long time ago and I tried everything available over the years…I’m using Computer playback day by day for development and on shows and demos. Not one system was reliable…can you imagine you are doing a HiFi fair and your music source is crashing every half an hour? ROON is the most reliable and stable system I ever had. And I really appreciate that they are not turning it upside down every two months, but keep it stable and reliable. If somebody feels, the updates are not dramatic enough, he can always use one of those other systems and spend more time fixing it instead of using it.
Best regards


what Karl-Heinz said- It works, which is more than a lot of the others do. You have two choices really, LMS or Roon. LMS mostly works, but with an old clunky interface, and a few million plugins, or Roon.
I still pay for Roon, so it must be doing something wright.

You might watch my video:

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