Roon 1.8 (Build 748/756/763/764) Feedback

I want it on record that I love 1.8! So much!!!


The UI has so much wasted space. I don’t need the “Hi” greeting from a freaking piece of software.

I just hope Roon will eventually give users an option to move the tiles around on the Home Screen and also allow us to remove things like the greeting line.

I’m guessing the response (if there ever is one) will be something akin to, “I’m sorry Dave, but I can’t do that.”

Computer software…can’t live with it; can’t live without it.


I got Yo-Yo Ma as a top performer of the Bach Matthew Passion. Beats me how he did it. And while I’ve nothing against Lang Lang, I really don’t think he’s in my top 3 of Mozart performers, and I don’t think he’d consider himself one either.

Oh, and “Lucio Silla” is one of the six most popular Mozart operas? Really?


I get that sort of nonsense all over the place. Lang Lang is probably one of the few pianists Roon knows. He shows up as Top Performer for the Chopin preludes as well. No idea why…

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Please can someone tell me why there is so much blank space in the compositions view? Why is the text scrunched on the left? There’s barely a sentence of explanatory text, so either get rid of it and get more compositions on the screen, or run the text over to the right.


Really really missing the star rating on the initial page. I have to click on the album to get the star rating. This really hurts music discovery as there is simply too much music to search for.


Yes you can. Just ask my physical discs gear!

Maybe this was already brought up but it’s a long thread to follow.

Have the following 2 issues

  1. Focus on tracks doesn’t show how many tracks fit the applied filter. It worked in 1.7, still works in 1.8 for albums, artists, etc. just not for tracks. (Even without applying any focus filter the number of tracks is not shown.
  2. Shuffle is limited to 5000 tracks


I wrote a bug report on that one as well. I can not find it now, I link it later

EDIT: Link attached


I also think that some things like the “Hi [name]” is a waste of space. Probably looked friendly and nice in presentations and demos. I don’t mind that much since I feel I was brought up always scrolling through stuff anyway.

But I don’t get why spend energy on small details? And the negative tone, what’s with that frustration?

There are real people designing this software and they are probably doing their best to meet and exceed as many of the user’s expectations as possible.

This is a big UI change. You expect it to be perfect from day 1? Seriously?


Because big pictures are build on small details.

Yes, some of us have that expectation. Very seriously.


i sometimes buy a brand new car with big new features. I expect it to drive!


Yeah, the same logic as people following conspiracy theories. Show me one thing that might be wrong and the house of 1000 cards fall. Did you read the small detail I quoted? Is this software built on welcome messages? Is that what you use it for?

Sorry that is just sad. Go pay for something with no updates ever. That will make you happy forever.


Roon plays perfectly here. Equivalent to a car that drives.


I wasn’t going for an angry tone or belittling the software engineers. I am not incredibly frustrated. I simply don’t prefer the new UI layout.

I don’t love 1.8, nor do I particularly dislike it. I simply believe the UI is misguided. I am frustrated by the wasted space. I think I am allowed to state that here, right?

I wasn’t being nasty or dismissive of anyone’s efforts. I appreciate Roon. I’m a lifetime subscriber. I use it every day. I like the various features.

I simply wish the new UI wasn’t so idiosyncratic in a way I don’t like. Your opinion may vary. And that’s fine.

There are plenty of other folks on this forum who are being incredibly nasty about the 1.8 changes. I am NOT one of them.

Sorry if you’ve got a problem with any of that.


Looks like now it is.

There are updates and updates. Roon 1.8 is not an update.

Sorry, my bad. I have probably read too many subjective negative arguments here presented as objective. And when you wrote that last part about software it sounded like you joined that horde.

I guess you can enlighten everyone, including the Roon Team,about software development and updates. Seems like you got it figured out.

Roon 1.8 works fairly well for my purposes, but its display hurts my eyes. Once I start playing music, I close my ipad.

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Well if you really drive a car, imagine how you’ll fell if they’ll update your car and they’ll remove the stereo which you are using all the time. Then you’ll probably understand how some here feels about lobotomizing their music collection.