Roon 1.8 (Build 748/756/763/764) Feedback

Very strange. I haven’t got an XR, only a 6SE; so I can’t replicate the problem for you … but … the display works fine as far as I can see.

I have a 12 Pro and it works fine.

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I agree, this is a not ideal and a bit of wasted space. I would certainly wish to have the “Allow more covers” option back ! To show, lets say, 8 albums per row on a iPad Air landscape.


Totally agree I always listen on Head Phones at my 27" iMac I now have smaller album art work and its like being in front of an iPad in portrait mode.

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I love it.

Looks good on both my large screen PC and Galaxy tablet. I even like the new font.

I wasn’t even aware there was a new build coming till prompted to upgrade, it worked straight out the box for me, everything worked seemlessly. Logged on here and was a bit surprised at all the negative feedback, although some people no doubt have genuine issues and concerns.
UI’s change all the time, websites get a makeover all the time, give it a week and you’ll forget what 1.7 looked like.


Totally agree wish I had not updated


Perfectly stated!

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How can space be super informative?:wink:


Two clicks for the :blue_heart: button (!), and then you can’t see which tracks you already liked or disliked. Very bad.

I’m not seeing the bugs others are seeing but give it time I guess.

A lot of the update seems to be change for changes sake, keep the staff busy etc. I’m not a fan of the UI, but then I don’t like change.

My biggest issue is the hiding of the album star rating. It’s no longer on the browse screen, you have to click on the album itself. If I’m browsing a new artist I like to see the album rating on the browse screen, is there a way to get it back or at least have it as an option? The recommended album selection is weird as some are very low star ratings.


and still a long navigation to set/change “picks” :roll_eyes:

Yes I personally agree with you - I often use discover to find completely random musical goodies


pretty happy with 1.8

at this point, my one comment would be that there is way to much blank space on the desktop app (macOS).

an example would be album view where the album icons are so large that not many albums can be displayed on screen.

also, the top of each “view” has too much completely wasted space. for example, the top of the album view takes up 30% of the screen and 80% of that space is blank.

i am happy with the layout but there could just be more info presented.

hope this is helpful


I kind of disagree with this. One of the issues of Roon’s attempt to integrate all the music you have access to is that it can be difficult to know where you are in your navigation. Telling you this is your album page is actually important.

Whether the UI actually has to scream that at you in massive fonts in another issue…

Museums, or something.


Thanks. Tried fiddling about with that. Turns out if you right click on roon.exe and go to properties → compatibility, there are some “Change High DPI Settings” on an app by app basis. Didn’t work but maybe I got the combination of switches wrong. Has anyone else managed to get this working?

Not so much a 1.8 specific thing, but do you find it a bit incongruous that Discover contains “Added 7 days ago” type suggestions?

It’s like, “thanks lads, I don’t need to discover it. I added it a few days ago.”

I have reverted back to V1.7 on my iMac

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That was really my point. You could also be picky and ask why does it say “Hi, Jez” evidently in the third person, and then say “My Albums” in the third person. “Jez’s albums” would be consistent. “Albums” would be fine, since there’s an icon for me in the top right corner. But it is the waste of screen real estate that is poor. Imagine you had a bookshelf that had a huge sign on three of its five shelves that said “My bookshelf” and only space for a few books in the bottom shelf! Of course it is fine as soon as you scroll down. Us Europeans are perhaps less shouty and demonstrative than Americans, we prefer quieter things.


Just as an example as to how that “Top Performers” feature works - or not…