Roon 1.8 (Build 748/756/763/764) Feedback

Why do some artists have full width photos on their page, and others only have a circle?

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Roon 1.8 Android Remote : crashes way too often

I am using a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 2020, does any body experiencing the Roon app crashing too many times during a listening sessions? usually happened when you navigate around your library, browing . etc It just hung and require manually closing of the apps. Never did this happened in last known good version 1.7

Also many of the hyperlinks are not coloured like it use to (highlighted in blue in 1.7), so you click on it hoping it will link somewhere. The fonts of composer and performer listing in each title is way too small, so trying to press it with your fingers for the hyperlink is always hit and miss
 Why do they make the font so small and for people using a tablet there is a lot of wasted space, but hard to read all the letters.

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I believe it has to do with the resolution of the available picture. Below a certain threshold you just get the circle pic.

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Will give it a try. Thanks Mark!

Replaced font file in The Roon folder. Please check and look The results one the Trinkering theme topic.

Thats a good think. Those blue hyperlinks looked so 1990‘s. Once you get used to it, its no problem.

I’m not been testing the 1.8 fully yet, but what annoy me the most is that I was forced to upgrade from 1.7 to 1.8. That should be an option so users can still use the old software until new one is stable.

I find the iOS app more buggy than 1.7, sometimes the app just close and I have to start it again from scratch.

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Who complained about the round artist pics?! :rofl:
Now is better?


No. Round looks better :blush:


@DaveNightmare Look at the actual hit area for the icon, you will find it is larger than the icon itself, same with the queue icon, so actually selecting them is easier than it might initially appear, these are things you adjust to through using it for a few days, of course the icons could be bigger but then they would be criticised for being unnecessarily large!

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After several days of intensive use:
The signal path and queue buttons are too close to the 3 play buttons.

I have to try harder than I should to make sure not to hit the wrong button.

This is on a 12 and a 13 inch Windows screen.

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Why is there only “back” button and no “forward” in iOS app now? This is really inconvenient when I explore something.


You are not alone. I have same problem that TIDAL is not working since the 1.8 update. I wonder they still not fix this problem yet.

The album icon is too big on desktop PC screen.

The Tidal never work again after upgraded to 1.8

Log in again in the Settings->Services tab. Should help.

I see there are still same issues like skipping tracks, lagging “Add to Library”, not refreshing album page after “Add to Library” from Now playing page :frowning:

Personally quite happy with the release. So much hyperbolic negativity on these threads! Full confidence in this Roon team to listen, consider, and work the problems. I realize it’s 2021, but is there no patience left in the world? Deep breaths my friends, all will be ok


Wie man sehen kann, ist hier Kritik nur in Eiapopeia-Verpackung willkommen. Ironie oder Sarkasmus ob des selbstverschuldeten Desasters werden reglementiert. Also feiert Euch schön weiter. Ich bin hier raus.

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Aha, die Querdenker sind auch hier angekommen - TschĂŒss!


or just don’t be so dramatic with the criticism, and be kind in the process. not so difficult. no one else needs the sarcasm, you’re not entitled.

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Zumindest muß ich nicht beleidigend werden. Oder degradiere ich dich zum „Schubladendenker“?

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