Roon 1.8: “New releases for fans of Ludwig v Beethoven”. Really?

Don’t get me started with JSB.


There are only so many exceptions you can make in terms of coding the software to identify specific types of music, and tailor the “word choice” specifically for certain types of people. Seriously this topic is getting a little nitpicky wouldn’t you say? How pretentious can we get today.


Così fan tutte.

(Or, in this case, tutti).


Well - I’m the OP and I posted since this jumped out for me in a screenshot on the mailshot specifically about improvements for classical music in 1.8.

Obviously its a cosmetic thing - I said exactly that. But I lead a team that makes software and we would definitely attend to something like that. The pitch for 1.8 is all about the beautiful new design etc and this stuff is part of that.

Obviously the proof is in the real functionality and not this stuff. But why not do these teeny things as well as you can?

For me and Roon it’s complicated for sure. There are quite a few much more significant things that aren’t attended to for years. So I suppose I shouldn’t bring up little things. But seriously, 5 minutes to tweak the wording. Roon already said in their blurb that there is a special classical mode.

Anyway - some funny contributions. Thanks.


Handforth.10 miles south of Manchester. It’s clearly gone to the dogs since I Ieft (my first house was there, genuinely)

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So you won’t admit that it was you shouting in the background? :rofl:

Seriously though, those folks seem to me quite an adorable bunch of elder statesmen and women…

Ah Hyde 8 miles E of Manchester , my first house is a motorway support these days , 2nd ones still there according to Google maps :stuck_out_tongue:

Jackie weaver taking no nonsense. Can anyone zoom in to these Council meetings as a member of public…

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I would not expect anything less from The Torygraph. My partner happens to be rather intelligent has a Master’s degree in History and only stopped short of her PhD because she couldn’t afford it. She’s loves Beyonce hates Beethoven. Go figure.

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What elitist tosh.


I’m a fan of Ludwig. I call him “my fave, Ludsie”…

Boy, what a picky, sensitive group. Get over yourselves.
That word choice is what really matters to you?
Good grief.


That’s a lot of letters. What I’ve learned from the thread is you must have big pants :slight_smile:

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Pretty much goes for this whole thread tbh.


Unless you are conceited enough to assume that the wording should arbitrarily be “tweaked” to one that suits you (which many others might object to) you know full well an inclusive, general solution would take more than five minutes. One man’s “tweak” is another man’s “bodge”.

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It’s not just me - from some other posts.

But it seems the big problem here is to make a post that goes against your view of the world.

I’m not conceited - I offered input. Not like the ad-hominem stuff I’m getting from you which says “my opinion is right and yours is lame and worthless”.

It was intended to be constructive input for the dev team but apparently they aren’t allowed to hear it?

I’m hardly suggesting that Roon Labs should tear up their code base and start again, but if most users think “fan” is the right word its not going to change my world.

I don’t want to start a flamewar on the thread so I don’t think I’ll post again on this thread.



There is absolutely nothing wrong with that sentence.


This should read “Ludvig fan Beethoven”.


I am proudly a fan of Ludwig van Beethoven.


Agree, except that my fanaticism–what “fan” is short for–is reversed: Beethoven first, Mahler second.

it’s not just you.