Roon 1.8 - where can I see tags & playlists for a track? [Solved]

We are going to do something to walk this change back and restore the functionality.

We have not made a final decision on what it will look like exactly, but we’ve read this thread and considered the use cases discussed here and they will be taken into account when designing it.

It shouldn’t take a very long time. 1.8 has been launched barely three days–we are just recovering from launch aftermath. It takes the community a couple of days to identify the high-profile stuff and get us the information we need to address any major issues in a satisfactory way. We were able to plan out a followup release last night, and design work has been happening in parallel. After that, development, QA, app store approval, etc. This is a top priority and we are listening. It will be out as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience.


Thanks Brian, much appreciated.

That’s really good to hear, thanks for the follow-up on this!

Thank you. I’m really enjoying the new 1.8. Lots of fun things to explore. This tag issue just happens to be critically important to me and how I use Roon. Thanks for addressing.


Good to hear this.
Thanks for listening and acting on it.

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Thanks @brian

Though a little concerned where you were going with it good tohear it’s not all in stone. Just don’t forget the power users - we’re your biggest evangelists.


That is great news Brian! Thank you for letting us know so we no longer have to wonder. I very much appreciate that. My suggestions would be to put them back just how they were, but remove the “Tags” text that prepends the tags shown there. Others may no like that though but I wanted to throw that out there

Of course you guys could always add star-ratings at the track level as a permanent feature that will read from our files’ star-ratings tags. That would be killing multiple very disliked birds with one amazing stone :smiley:

Thanks again


Thanks Brian, but please fix the other problem which is that playlists can no longer be edited. I usually add several tracks to, for example, ‘Singles 1967’ with the intention of visiting the playlist later to sort them into the desired order. I can no longer move the tracks around the list. The tracks in each playlist also need to be numbered.


@brian just curious why the decision to remove the tags & playlist functionality?


Or even more simple: just one integer field from 1 to 100 for albums and tracks.

Thanks for this good news! We’re waiting.

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You can reorder the tracks in a playlist. I couldn’t find it either. Grab the 6 dots on the left of a track with the mouse (on Windows, anyway) and you can move the track up or down the list. I could’ve sworn I tried that, but then a forum member told me to try it and sure enough it worked.

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1-100? 1-5 or 1-10 seems like it would work better, no?


Thank you Brian. The playlists and track tags are really indispensable to how I use Roon. That why I and others have been freaking out! I do like the new UI, it’s next level, a nice upgrade.You guys clearly worked hard.

We don’t need to get into why such a key feature was abruptly removed. If it’s restored all is forgiven :slight_smile:


Excellent! Thanks, @brian, it’s reassuring to have you acknowledge that you hear us and are planning a way forward to restore this functionality. I no longer feel the same strong impulse to keep yapping like a terrified little dog.

The 1.8 release was clearly a massive undertaking, and I’m sorry some of us had trouble appreciating a lot of the positive stuff because it was eclipsed by the loss of some relatively unsexy but essential functionality we use every day.


Yes, I just realized today that Playlists did not display in the tracks like they used to. BIG HUGE step backwards. When I’m listening to an album and love a song and want to add it to a playlist, I used to be able to see if it was already in a playlist and which ones. Now I have no idea. PLEASE bring this back soon. Hopefully it was an oversight and will reappear in an update. Can’t understand why this would get removed without at least adding an option for the user to turn it on or off. Very disappointed.


I agree, I want to see the playlist and tags on tracks.

I personally rate albums from 1 to 10 with one decimal place, as many music magazines and websites do. Like 8.3 or 9.1. For example and others. But int type is simpler than float, so from 1 to 100. Like here:

Agree! I like new design and features, especially Discography, Focus everywhere, even Focus in iOS app — it’s great! But the first impression was: what should I do now, how can I live with that? I wrote about all the things I’m missing here: Roon 1.8 (Build 748/756/763/764) Feedback - #714 by Alexander_Bashlaev

Appreciate the response and listening to us. I’d urge you to put processes in place that allow this feedback to be incorporated BEFORE releasing. The not-so-beta program 2 business days before launch only prepared people for what they were losing. I think a number of the issues surrounding tags and focus queries would have been identified by users and spared the community at large from experiencing a loss of data and functionality after upgrading. And I say that not just for our sake as users, but the Roon team’s as well. This release would have been received so much more positively if existing functionality hadn’t been gutted in numerous areas, sometimes in a compounded fashion (ex: star ratings, queries and bookmarks).

My biggest issue isn’t the look and feel of 1.8, it’s that it seemed pretty obvious to any of us making use of these features that they had been hobbled and pushed to the background while still existing. It was compounded for local storage users with the fact that none of the new discovery features applied to us. Felt like taking away a lot of functionality without providing more.