Roon 1.8 will be Live on ….?

Hopefully he’ll seize the opportunity to also go full autist !

I bet the 19th is the day

Indeed, the end of the month has proven more likely than the beginning.

They have to wait for the Secret Service to free up so they can defend Roon’s HQ when the pitchforks come out. “Where is my album view!!!”


Well I’m an old school Mac user, so Tuesday would be great. But I personally think it’s time. We’re at 14 months between releases which I thinks is unprecedented for them. So hopefully this month. It’s sounds like they’re close and I hope it’s like the beta testers say “worth the wait.”


“I know that platinum level members get folder browsing, Spotify, Alexa, room correction, and Roon on the go. Why don’t I get all of that, too ?!?!?!?”

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And the Diamond Club gets the awesome box set handling and profile management. But you had to join that in 2016…sorry all you suckers missed out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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To be fair there’s been a lot of this about this last 14 months :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think it already released in a parallel universe

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Never bet on slow horses or fast women

Betting on a Roon release date definitely fits in that statement :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


What do you get for the Cast Iron club ???

I know Apple Watch software that no on wants :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Yep… click-bait!! :slight_smile:

I wish Roon was a little more transparent in terms of when they drop their updates.

We had al this and the reasons before…

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Not having a road map is disappointing. I get excited for updates like waiting for an album release.

In the Beta universe no doubt


Version 1.8 will also offer support for the new valve based Nucleus devices, pictured here. Apparently the sound is much improved by introducing 1950s tech into the digital signal chain :wink:


That photo is showing four iterations of Army computer components and how said components became smaller over time. That is not “Eniac scientists holding various parts of the computer”.

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Indeed. I corrected the label to minimise any confusion :wink:

you full of wisdom :smiley: