Roon 1.9 and Negativity

I tried that before I had Roon, it worked but I didn’t like it, its kinda like Gizmo compared to JRemote

I do strongly disagree with your post, but I will remain (relatively) polite and silent.

It is pretty obvious that you are very happy with Roon version 1.8 and that I and many others are not. I have absolutely no qualms about that. However, I do take some issue with what appears to be the motive behind your post (and your creation of a new thread). It appears to be aimed at gaining approval from fellow 1.8 admirers (and you have succeeded, and how! - 85 likes is extremely impressive!) by making sarcastic comments directed at those who are in the unfortunate position of having unwelcome changes made to a product that they have probably used happily for many years, put huge amounts of effort towards tailoring it for their specific needs and paid quite a bit of money for to boot.

I find your post mildly offensive, if quite amusing in places. However, sarcasm directed towards members outlining genuine grievances is perhaps not wholly appropriate.

There are of course many far more distasteful posts out there than yours.

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Thank you for a very reasonable and well argued response. I have great sympathy for those who have suffered due to the implementation of a significantly different version of the program.

As I tried to make very clear,

My hope is that 1.8, which is only 5 days old, will evolve in the near future, such that many of the genuine weaknesses are addressed and improved meaning that the vast majority of users will feel that the change was beneficial.


The reason for starting the thread was my anger at another intemperately headed “1.8 is a massive failure!”. Had that been called “Constructive ideas to improve 1.8”, you would never have heard of me.


And thanks for your considerate reply @PFBTG.

I am sure that Roon 1.8 is here to stay. Even if I am not happy with some of the visual changes to the UI and some of the far too prominent presentation of statistics related to my use of Roon (gimmicky - but not of any interest to me), Roon is still better for me than any alternative out there. Assuming there is a resolution to some pretty obvious introduced flaws (such as those related to tags, playlists and album cover size restrictions), I won’t be jumping ship.

There has been one positive for me, possibly associated with work being carried out on 1.8. The one issue I had with 1.7 was periodic and frequently missing metadata on Roon Radio’s “Album/Track playing” screen. After putting up with the issue for many months it appears to have been completely resolved (on 1.7) around 2 to 3 weeks ago.



This is a massive update so Roon cannot foresee every issue and it is irritating when you are the victim. I am very pleased to hear you are now set up. Enjoy listening.

Don’t hold back! :joy:

But I have to say that such vitriol may have clouded your judgement as what you say seems to be incorrect. A recent survey posted by another forum member suggests that 33% are dissatisfied or on a positive note the majority welcome 1.8. Overall I think the forum posts reflect this too.

What’s more, there are quite a few new users with plenty of people downloading Roon for the first time following the media hype.

I get it that not everyone likes everything about the new release — myself included — but feedback such as that quoted can’t change anything because it is of no value.


Possibly, but I really don’t think that the results of a poll on the Roon forum are necessarily reflective of the overall opinion out there.

I may be wrong, but I expect that the majority of those very long term users of the product who have large personal local music libraries, and particularly those from this demographic who have purchased a lifetime license will not be happy with the transition from version 1.7 to 1.8.

However, it was not surprising that Roon has been nudged in the direction of a new demographic. They will not receive any future revenue from those long term lifetime license users, and so they probably need a change of direction in order to attract new subscribers.


You’re probably correct. I suspect a significantly higher proportion of Roon users are satisfied. It’s a bit like review sites; people are more likely to post a negative review than a compliment.

Also I don’t think there’s been a change of direction. I’ve been on this journey for four years or so and to me we’re getting closer to the destination. AFAIK no one said let’s go somewhere else instead.

I used to purchase all my music. Can’t image music without streaming now. Access to millions of recordings and the means to discover something new every day.


You really have no basis to come to a conclusion that the majority of long term users don’t like 1.8. Generally, the ones that complain the most are the ones that spend them most time in forums like these and are the most likely to vote in a poll. The ones that are happy are most often just spending their time elsewhere and not deeply engaged in these forums. That would tend to skew the poll data even more positive than it is. I ran a company that had 300M monthly users in communities so I know a bit about how communities behave. I for one am a long time user and am very happy with 1.8 and I know a number of others who feel the same.


I have followed the heated debate over the last few days and think that it is time for us all to calm down and consider the future.

Roon is a business not a charitable provider. In order to prosper, a business needs to satisfy existing customers and attract new ones. One imagines, that was why the company decided to upgrade to 1.8 rather than resting on its laurels.

Ultimately, Roon isn’t a web design service, it offers a luxury product that enhances enjoyment of music and it will continue to do that even for those who detest 1.8,

As stated previously, my sympathies lie with the small minority who currently have serious issues but we must all trust that their problems will be overcome very soon, either by Roon Support or another update. Roon has a vested interest in achieving this.

I also feel for the captive audience of lifetime users, who have a sunk cost and are unhappy. Realistically, this group would be well advised to enjoy the product they have paid for, even if it isn’t entirely to their taste. That is the risk that we take in signing for a lifetime contract

If the doom and gloom merchants are right the project is going to backfire, c.25,000 subscribers will leave Roon in high dudgeon and the business will go into liquidation by the end of the year. Heaven forfend.

Alternatively, despite what seems like a very large contingent having raged so volubly about the service’s inadequacies, we may find that the drop-out rate is in hundreds or fewer and therefore falls within the range of natural wastage.

A loss that size should easily be compensated by new users, excited by what they perceive as the attractions of 1.8 and some good, positive marketing.

Time will tell but I remain confident that Roon has a great future because so many of us cannot happily live without it.


You make a valid point in regard to forum/threads such as those on the Roon Forum. Generally, people who frequent forums are probably more incentivised to post in order to complain rather than to praise. It does appear though from many of the fairly acerbic and sarcastic comments in this and other threads made by individuals proclaiming to like the changes about those who disagree, that these people have been equally energised to vote in the poll.

However there are a number of counter arguments:

  • that the silent majority of long term and very happy users of Roon pre-1.8 are less likely to frequent the forum at all, and consequently their views are not being aired. Many of them may not have ‘upgraded’ to 1.8 yet.

  • There are roughly 100,000 subscribers to Roon, How many members contribute to the forum? I don’t know, but I’d hazard a guess that it is a fraction of the total number of subscribers. Their views are not being heard.

  • How many forum members have even found the poll, let alone voted in it? A statistically large enough number for the poll to be reflective of the general opinion of users?

Anyway, this is all complete conjecture on my part. I certainly don’t claim otherwise.

I often think that some of the posters here would be that bloke in the pub that everyone can see is going to get a smack in the mouth by the end of the evening.
(Autocorrect turned smack to snack, which changed the reasoning but still made sense :joy:)


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My last post covers some of the same ground without necessarily reaching the same conclusions as either you or @Craig_Palmer . Roon 1.9 and Negativity - #134 by PFBTG

I hope that you are right. Irrespective of whether or not I like some of the the changes that have been introduced in version 1.8, there is nothing out there that could replace Roon for me.

I also suspect that most ‘complainers’ will feel much the same as me, and that the number of drop-outs won’t be very significant for much the same reason.

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I haven’t posted for sometime as have had no issues. No issues except horizontal scrolling, my wife refused to use ROON because of it but since 1.8 she has happily played music through ROON. As posted above rating sites tend to attract people who have had negative experiences to rant and rave. I am a long term user that is very impressed with 1.8.

After reading the initial negative vitriolic posts I was very reluctant to upgrade but had no choice as I had already upgraded my mobile devices. What a pleasant surprise no issues, it worked and the new UI how good is it, vertical scrolling, clean uncluttered look. I love it. So much easier to discover new music.

Sure there are some features missing but from the pinned thread seems they are being looked at.

Some positivity re tags. Haven’t used them before but after the complaints of missing features had a look. Much better way of sorting than genre.

All in all happy.


Thanks, that’s interesting.

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Since the Roon 1.8 release, I’ve been listening to a lot more records / vinyl than before.
If that’s not positive, then what. Thank you Roon for this great experience.


I am going back to FOOBAR2000. It consistently works, as ROON used to.


And here is my opinion: Very well said. (Still on Roon 1.7 - oh dear…)