Roon 2.0.35 and ARC 1.0.52 are live!

Hey Everyone,

In this update, we focused on addressing ARC connectivity issues. Over the last few weeks, we’ve made a series of highly targeted incremental improvements that have significantly reduced some of the issues you’ve reported. In addition, we learned from your feedback that you’d like more visibility into ARC’s connection status. We’re excited to announce that we’ve added a new diagnostic display to ARC’s settings page to provide that. I’ve you’d like more details, you can check out our blog, here.

Overall, this release introduces several upgrades that make using ARC a more seamless experience. We encourage those of you who have experienced difficulty using ARC in the past to give it another try now.

Your feedback guides our ongoing development efforts. We’re grateful for your help and remain committed to ensuring that Roon meets your needs and expectations.

As always, thank you for being part of the Roon community!

What’s new in this release?

Build Numbers

Application Version
Roon / RoonServer 2.0 (build 1407) production
Roon ARC 1.0 (build 266) production


  • Resolved an issue of Roon failing to start playback on certain devices via AirPlay
  • Added ARC Connectivity Settings Area
  • Improved ARC connectivity reliability


Cores, remotes, and ARC installations already running Roon 2.0 Production should update automatically. If you need to reinstall, the latest builds can always be found on the downloads page.