Roon 2.0.7 New Content Sources (aka Wikipedia integration)

Yes, ever since it has been introduced and with all my cores. Annoying.

Yes that’s a known issue especially on windows. They seemed to have ignored so far which is annoying.

I noticed it as well, though it only appears about a second or less.

Same here. Maybe for 2 or 4 seconds

I see no difference, below 1 to max. about 3 seconds depending on what I click on. Below is what was said in earlyaccess when the new sources had been introduced and people commented on the load time. As there are more users now, the cache should generally be fresher, but it nevertheless depends on what you load.

It might be a local DNS issue, for those affected, try or in the router?

It’s not it’s a Roon issue, already use it’s a desktop thing it doesn’t affect mobiles not sure about tablets as I don’t have one. AllRoons services load as quickly as they always have with home page taking 3-5 to update.

Happens on iPad as well. I think the difference might be simply in how it is presented. On PC and tablets, the bio/review is displayed as soon as you go to the artist/album page. On phones, it is not visible at first, but only after you go to the INFO tab. Maybe that gives it the time to get preloaded before one typically manages to go to INFO.

(That said, it’s still only about a second or two in most cases for me on macOS (Air M2) and iPad (Pro M2))

Possibly it does mask it. It’s still not good enough as before it never did this, it’s jarring and not premium and we should not accept it. This is not the time of dialup where you expected to see such things.

Well, the one thet takes the longest for me, springsteen, would probably be cached by now if that was it.

It’s difficult to tell with certainty because we don’t know the caching strategy. The page can get dirty anytime and require a cache refresh, even if another Roon user loaded it 5 minutes ago.

The size of the page most likely also has an effect on the sum of download and processing (turn into an image, etc) time. The Springsteen page is very long. Maybe it generally feels faster to me because I rarely visit major artists with very long WP articles. I just tried Bruce and I see 5 secs of black bars as well, on the first try. When I load it a second and third time it is a bit better, about 3 secs.

Do you see a difference if you reload the Springsteen page repeatedly? (not with back and forward buttons, but starting fresh in Artists every time). Just wondering if this has an effect on you as well, possibly indicating an up-to-date cache.

With Springsteen it is a steady delay. Delay exists with different cores and different core OS.

Once spent 10 minutes going in and out of the artist page, to see if repeated requests sped things up. It didnt. Which suggests there is no client side caching.

It’s strange that there seemed to be a difference for me between my first and second/third load, then.

I didn’t think there was. In the quote by Joel that I posted earlier, he was talking about server-side caching:

They delay is on any content of any size not just large WP stuff I’ve had it on TiVo content since the update. Whatever the reason adding this extra data has added a significant delay in Roon displaying it and this needs to be optimised. It feels like their back end again as I find it very intermittent.

The delay exists everywhere but I think I see a larger delay when the page is larger - which would not be a surprise. Like I wrote above, I see 1-3 seconds of black bars in most cases that I look up, but saw 5 on the first load of Springsteen, which is a large WP page (and larger than I usually look up). Difficult to be sure because of unknown cache influences and maybe other cloud server performance fluctuations plus the Internet not always being the same, but that’s the general gist I think I’m seeing.

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Have tried. Not much of a difference for me, maybe a second longer. I have never loaded Springsteen till now. But not 5 sec, maybe 2. I have had 3 or 4 seconds on smaller pages. So I tend to agree that there are also other unknown cache influences.

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Hi everyone!
Thanks for actively participating in the discussion here.

I was investigating this issue and I didn’t see long delays on my end on my Windows 10 machine.

I would appreciate it if you could share other Artists’ bios that you got delayed with.


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Any artist or album screen I go to. To put it otherwise, I always get those 3 blank bars. Even on artists that have no information, almost like a place holder while Roon checks.


Same to me. Sometimes it is just a glimpse, other times up to 2 seconds or so. If I notice the longer ones I’ll post


And it is not a windows thing for me. All Roon Remote clients Android or windows exhibit it.