Roon 2.0 and internet connectivity [it's just like 1.8 now]

Yup I’m good as things stand. I still don’t think this is a great move by Roon though. They should have a limp-mode.


Roon 1.8 or 1.8 Legacy is “limp-mode.”


Yes but not a particularly satisfactory or long term solution.

Not if you know nothing about this, like will be the case for most users, and your internet drops out.

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Well I didn’t say it at all, and nobody said wickedly. But I am going to end it here because you are playing obtuse

Yeah that’s all fine but does not magically make the problematic aspects disappear. At work I also can’t say “look, I may have taken away the feature you relied on, but here is a list of great plans for the future”

No you didn’t say any of that, and I was not originally addressing you at all. You just stepped in. But my point remains.

Why not “satisfactory” or “long-term”?

Too much unnecessary hand wringing in this thread. Why worry about numerous things that have not happened yet or maybe not at all? Cross those bridges if or when you come to them. For example, some users still are running versions older than Roon 1.8 and have been for several years. Yet, many posters here are convinced that Roon 1.8/Legacy just spontaneously will stop working in 2023. Not likely.


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If you had read my previous posts you would see that I have said exactly that; I’ll worry about it if and when it happens .

If you internet drops out in February and you don’t have 1.8 Legacy downloaded yet, it won’t help you.

Oh, no, won’t somebody please…


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Let Roon worry about that. All you can do is whatever you decide to do for your own situation.

You added the word “wickedly” to make it seem more like a silly thing to say. The original guy also didn’t say that. Factually, if Roon is your player and you don’t have a backup plan, because you may not even know that you need one, or you have no IT skills, or any other reason, then your music is inaccessible when the internet drops out.

The sad thing about is that everyone would be completely happy if a super simple backup player was part of Roon, which can only list artists, albums, and maybe has a simple textual filter. Doesn’t even need album covers. I suppose the RAAT stuff is not even affected by internet or not. Seems like a no-brainer to me and should cost very little resources to create.

What you said was wrong for the general case, plain and simple.

Because it is unheard of on the forum to discuss general Roon decisions?

Exasperation with having to repeat myself. And it was a silly thing to say, whether wicked on Roon’s part, or otherwise.

Feel free to keep ignoring the facts just to win the internet

You’ve made your point. Move on.


Could we vote to close this thread. I don’t feel it is achieving anything positive anymore.

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For some reason I am seeing more than one person discussing?