I’m coming very late to this party. Thing is, I hadn’t realised Roon 2.0 needed internet connection until, well, pretty much 30 minutes ago. And I should have, because I experienced the drawback as early as last October.
We were in our home in France when we got hit by a long internet cut - they were doing some work on the line at the time. With no internet, it felt like a good time to just put some music on and read a book. I tried to turn on Roon, but it asked me for my login. It made me a bit mad at the time, what with my music being unavailable - or at least more difficult to access - when I really needed it, but thought it was because I just hadn’t connected for too long or something like that.
Got another cut today, and same result, which is when I came to check if something had changed. Imagine my surprise…
Not sure what I can say. Obviously, I’m angry, but pleading for a reversal won’t change anything: Roon devs have been going in a certain direction that fits less and less with my listening habits and “workflow”, and unless a large majority of users are like me - with a large offline collection, only mild streaming habits and living in a rural area - that’s not gonna change. I’m just not the target customer anymore, so my voice has no weight.
I would say one thing to the Roon people, though: you have never been transparent about upcoming changes and how they might affect your existing user base. Each and every time, it’s the update, then some people finding out how it makes their use of Roon more difficult. I understand why you make the choices you make - well, most of the time, sometimes it just seems silly - but I wish you were a lot more open about your future plans. ARC was a requested feature, and it was great to see it implemented, and so were better searches. But I don’t think many of us thought it would come with always-online as a cherry on top.
I joined back in 2017 with a lifetime subscription, but ever since the emergence of Tidal and Qobuz, you’ve been focusing on that while the simple stuff I care about is still not fixed. Do I still have to click like a madman to reorder tracks on a poorly identified album - rather than say, being able to do a simple drag? Why yes, I think I do. Not having an ongoing subscription means I can’t really slam the door, but believe you me, I wish I could.