Roon 2.0 and Linux (Wine) .. is 32bit needed? [answer: no, wine supports 64bit]

ill try the bridge next.
i would love to get it working soley in the bottle :confused:

it somewhat “starts” and than skips to the next playback but it happens every time even if there is no other program connected to the audio device.

Exclusive playback is a thing i dont use since i need to hear notification sounds (:

Great instructions! They worked for me, except a few of the 4.6.x .NET packages wouldn’t install with Bottles, so I just did WINEPREIFX=/srv/data/roon-client/Roon winetricks dotnet472 (where that path is the path my Bottle is stored at). And I’ve got Roon working well on my NixOS desktop.

Getting the audio to work from within the Wine environment is a fool’s errand.

Just use the Roon Bridge.

why is it a fools errand?
all the games and programs i use with bottles or lutris /steam work with audio.
some even with surround o.o

Roon is the only program which is not working as expected.

Does it work without being exclusive for you ?
i tested it ones on a dev system i had and i could either use the roon brige audio or anything else.

hearing zoom or system notifications as example while the roon bridge played audio was not possible :frowning:

It depends on the audio device you select in Roon. Chose the mixer if you want notifications or the audio device if you need exclusive.

thank you for the recommendation.
if i find some time ill make a snapshot of my current system and try setting up roon bridge on fedora this weekend (;

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Nice. Glad it works!

I have a new configuration to report for the latest Wine version or beta, to run natively without a container, and I believe the current roon-on-wine actually matches it so may work just fine these days. But documenting the manual process here as it’s actually quite simple.

How to install Roon under system Wine, latest version (9.0 as of this writing).

  1. Install wine for your system (at least version 9.0). See: Download - WineHQ Wiki

  2. Install winetricks. See: Winetricks - WineHQ Wiki
    For apt-based systems, for example: sudo apt install winetricks

  3. Ensure winetricks is fully updated for the latest packages:

    sudo winetricks --self-update
  4. Create a new wine prefix for your roon:

    WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.roon winecfg
  5. Install dotnet6 in your prefix:

    WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.roon winetricks -q dotnet6

    You can also leave out the “-q dotnet6” and open the GUI if you want to install it that way. Choose “Select current wineprefix” and then “Libraries” to find it.

  6. Download the Roon installer for Windows (from, then run it with:

    WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.roon winecfg wine $HOME/Downloads/RoonInstaller64.exe

    (Replace the path to the installer with wherever you downloaded it to)

  7. Follow the installation instructions, but don’t run Roon when it finishes. It’ll work, but it will crash when you select an audio zone. This is okay, there’s a workaround.

  8. We’ll need a script to run Roon and covers that workaround. Run the following:

    mkdir -p ~/bin
    touch ~/bin/start-roon && chmod +x ~/bin/start-roon
    nano ~/bin/start-roon

    and paste in all of this:

    # Adjust scale. 1.25-1.5 is a good value for high-res screens.
    env WINEPREFIX=$PREFIX WINEDEBUG=fixme-all WINEDLLOVERRIDES="" wine $PREFIX/drive_c/users/trisweb/AppData/Local/Roon/Application/Roon.exe -scalefactor=$SCALEFACTOR

    Adjust the SCALEPREFIX value as needed, you may need to play with it a bit.

  9. Next, we’ll need a Desktop file for your desktop env to find it and run it with a click easily.
    Create a file here:

    nano ~/.local/share/applications/roon.desktop

    and paste in all of this:

    [Desktop Entry]
  10. Bring in the icons from the roon-on-wine project:

    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/{16x16,32x32,48x48,256x256}/apps
    curl -L -o ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/0369_Roon.0.png
    curl -L -o ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/0369_Roon.0.png
    curl -L -o ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/0369_Roon.0.png
    curl -L -o ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/0369_Roon.0.png
    update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
  11. You should now see Roon in your Applications as normal, and be able to open it and run it.

Whew. That was more steps than I remember.

Again, the latest version of roon-on-wine basically automates this exact process, so I recommend downloading that and running the install script—but I thought I would document the manual process fully here for Wine 9.0 with dotnet6, since it seems to be working very well and could help someone.

You can also use Bottles to run it, which is a slightly simpler more GUI based method, however I have had some trouble getting it to feel native (the icon is the Bottles icon for example, rather than the Roon icon), so the native installation on Wine feels best to me and as of today, works great.