Roon 2.0 Build 1235 is Live!

Hello Everyone,

This is a rare Friday release in order to provide all of you with the hotfixes that we pushed to production earlier this week. These specifically address ongoing ARC connectivity issues and library content disappearing under certain circumstances.

The delay in pushing these fixes to Early Access has to do with an issue with the .NET6 implementation on Windows breaking automatic updates. While we are working to fix this problem we do not yet have the final work complete and through QA. Rather than hold up everyone we are releasing with the following caveat for those with cores or remotes on Windows:

  • Your windows core or remote WILL NOT update automatically from the server nor will you be presented with an update prompt in Roon
  • To take this update you will need to download the installer from the links provided below and reinstall on top of your existing intallation
    • You do not need to do anything else here – just download the installer from this link and install it manually

We plan to issue another Early Access build on Monday (on our usual schedule) and it is possible that we won’t have this update issue corrected by then. If that’s the case then that update will need to be installed in a similar way and we will provide links and instructions at that time.

Thank you for your continued support,
The Team at Roon Labs

What’s new in this release?

Build Numbers

Application Version
Roon / RoonServer 2.0 (build 1235) earlyaccess


  • Resolved an issue where ARC would lose connectivity with the Roon core
  • Resolved an issue where Roon would lose visibility of some external storage devices


Cores, remotes, and ARC installations already running earlyaccess should update automatically. If you need to reinstall, the latest earlyaccess builds can always be found at the following links.

macOS: Roon RoonServer
Windows: Roon RoonServer
Linux: Easy Installer Full Package
Nucleus / ROCK: See Help Center
Android APKs: Roon Remote Roon ARC

Information on loading Roon on Linux can be found here. Please use the files linked here in place of those from the help center article when loading earlyaccess.