Roon access to personally identifiable core data without user consent

Continuing the discussion from Connected Mac Mini frequently disconnects from Core:

Sign me up for one of those too please.


Is my layman understanding correct:

Roon may at any time, in principle without the user knowing, pull personal and identifiable data from any Roon core.

If so, second question:
Can you uphold GDPR requirements if the above is true?

Search is available to all.

So it is, but what you’re linking to doesn’t answer my questions.

First, Roon operates in the US. Second, the GDPR doesn’t prohibit the collecting or use of personal data. Rather, it is how such data are used.

Moreover, by using Roon you agreed to their T&Cs, which includes a section on data. You can read this here:

Which links to the privacy policy:

As far as I am aware, the only personal data Roon collects are your name, email, locale and IP address (but I may have missed something) and these are necessary to run the service.

Roon already has this data, so they don’t need to pull it from your core. Other data collected are non-personally identifiable.

Yes, but I live in a country where GDPR is law. Therefore Roon’s access to and use of my data are subject to GDPR law.

No, GDPR also regulates how data is collected.

Thank you for your input, but my question is regarding the claim that Roon can pull personally identifiable data without the customer knowing.

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The GDPR helps protect data of EU and UK citizens irrespective of where they are. However, non-EU countries must also comply with their data protection legislation. So, whilst a company operating in the US may provide services to EU citizens, a foreign data controller reports to the local data protection authority (in the same way the UK reports to the DPA.)

That is what I said.

The privacy policy sets out in plain language what data Roon collects. This IMO meets the terms of the GDPR.

But you do, because it is stated in the privacy policy. Moreover, they don’t pull any PII since they already have this in order to deliver the service.

What additional PII are you concerned that they may pull from your Roon core?

I raised two questions in the first post. The first is related to the concern that Roon could at any point pull data (logs) from any user. This data would conceivably contain more than what you mention above. If roon can pull this data without explicit concent the question of transparency should be raised as this would mean that roon would have imposed a standing invitation to peruse information about the user’s setup and perhaps more. See: JUSTICE AND CONSUMERS ARTICLE 29 - Guidelines on Transparency under Regulation 2016/679 (wp260rev.01)

The second question is really only to hear Roon’s own reasoning whether this «backdoor» is within the GDPR regulations or not.

I suppose a more to-the-point question could be:

If it is true that Roon now has chosen to grant themselves access to any user’s personal application without asking for consent, why have they chosen this solution which might be slightly more convenient to themselves but pose a much bigger risk for the user? It’s 2023, they could make a «send logs to Roon» button.

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I don’t object to them looking at my logs, I object to them having 24/7 access to them without me knowing.

It’s a European thing.


That’s new :smiley:
I only knew the expression “it’s a Jeep thing” :rofl:

Since your edit makes me look unreasonable I’ll edit too.

If they do have 24/7 access and this is not according to the GDPR they risk huge fines.

I wouldn’t call it that - it’s a legitimate concern from both privacy & security viewpoints.
The privacy part has been addressed quite a few times, but the “pulling” part, if true, is concerning.
If anything is indeed “pulled” (I honestly doubt it), the concern would be what is ‘pulled’ and how secured that process is, considering Roon’s core/server is in your LAN.


If we need to know anything about you we will just ask the NSA or the PRC for a complete copy of your hard drive :wink:

Let me know if you find anything interesting


Just checked, nah you’re just another boring audiophile fella :+1:t2:

But seriously, Roon couldn’t give you the recommendations and such if it didn’t know what you listen to. I’m sure Qobuz Tidal and the rest collect some data from us

like Jim I could care less.

I know but that isn’t what’s at stake.

Precisely. Isn’t the pulling part exactly what Roon admits to doing here?

Consider what’s being said here:

This implies that they promise to stop not asking for consent, i.e. you have to opt in if you want to know if they access personal data. At the face of it this is not good GDPR practice.

Last I checked with GDPR, companies should default to opt-out and ask.

:roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think you have to expand on your post if you want me to understand your point.

nothing to expand - I’m just digesting that reply 

That reply covers it well