Roon App Crashes on iPhone X due to specific Bookmarks [Ticket In]

Thanks for the update. I will monitor this thread if you post anything new.

Has there been any update on this? The Roon app on the iphone crashes pretty often with my current bookmarks.

Hello @David_Minches,

Thank you for your interest here. I just checked our internal ticket tracker and I see that there has been some progress regarding this issue and a fix is in testing for our next Roon release. I can’t say for sure when this release will be published but the best place to track upcoming releases would be in the Release Notes Section of this site. Thanks!

One thing you may want to pass along. My storage locations all had names in brackets. For example, my jazz folder was named “[jazz]”. This was a hold over from my Aurender days. When I removed the brackets the crashing seems to have gone away. I can’t tell for sure since I just did it this am but it is possible it fixed the issue.

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