Roon ARC genre search results limits to 12 albums or artists

I use genre (and focus bookmarks) in Roon to organize my rather diverse local classical collection into more manageable sets of albums. In Roon ARC, genre results seem to be limited to 12 albums or 12 artists. Is there a way to change this to be “all”? Am I missing a setting, or is the limited results a “feature”? Or, am I using Roon ARC wrong?

Insight appreciated.

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For clarity, selecting a tag attribute on an album generates a list view with no apparent result limit, while selecting a genre (from the same album) generates a horizontal slideshow view limited to 12 results. Why the different behaviour?

I also have this problem, only 12 albums per genre show in Roon ARC. They aren’t alphabetical and it is always the same 12. Very frustrating, basically I don’t use my local library when using Roon ARC as all my albums are organized via custom genres.

Is this a bug, a feature or a user error ?

Hey @mike , is the 12 result limit a design feature of ARC, or something that might be improved in a future update?

Same for me. This can’t possibly be intended

Same problem here, what the…?

I have moved this to #support because it affects several users and seems to be a bug

Any thoughts from support ? I’m curious if this is a known bug that will be fixed or I need to redo all the tags in my library ?


Hello Roon support team, it would be great to either get this fixed or state that genre is not supported in ARC.


Yes, please would really like to get a response from Roon support on this issue. I currently am unable to use my library on Roon ARC with the genre categories being crippled. Thank you.

Bump . . . still genre on ARC is still crippled

Thanks for flagging this. It was lost in my list. I’ve brought this to the attention of the team and hope to get it fixed in the next few releases.


Awesome, thanks Michael.

Thank you @michael, appreciated.

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