Roon Arc not connecting to core after switching from Roon Remote

Whenever I switch from Roon Remote on iphone to Roon Arc in hotspot mode with Poly I loose the connection with the core. I tried reinstalling Roon Remote on both devices, but still no access to Arc. Any suggestions?

This is the relevant error:

Copying from the help:

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Thanks again! Fortunately, when I took an update on the Macbook Air the problem was resolved without my having to do anything else. I’m tempted to avoid using Roon Remote from the iphone altogether and only use Arc for mobile use from now on because it seems like there’s a problem each time I go from one to the other. (I’m using Chord Poly with Arc for mobile use in hot spot mode and have to switch off hot spot mode and go to network wifi for Roon Remote.) Is this a known issue?

Hi @Richard_Rothman,

Thank you for your report and your patience. We’re glad to hear that the port forwarding issue has been resolved - can you please clarify whether it was an Apple update or a Roon update, when you say you updated your machine? It’s possible we can offer suggestions to prevent this from recurring, if it’s related to Apple networking settings or something in the router we can pin down.

Just to be clear, you’re using ARC via the phone’s cellular connection in the above circumstance?

The Poly requires a network WiFi connection to the RoonServer machine to function via Roon Remote control, whereas Hot Spot mode is intended to replace WiFi when none is available. I recommend perusing this thread.

ARC and Roon Remote aren’t designed to hand-off Zones. Even if you are on Wifi in ARC and WiFi in RoonReady, closing one app and opening another won’t retain the endpoint. This is intended behavior.

Using a cable to connect the phone to the Poly will allow system control in the OS over the endpoint, making it available in either Roon Remote or ARC with high-res input. This is the recommended workaround for the situation you’re encountering.

Please let us know if we’ve misinterpreted your post or your previous post concerning this issue.

Appreciate the response, Connor, and my own is delayed because I’m traveling away from home for a month (and am again unable to use Arc as my previous post explained).

To answer your question, the update I took that resolved the earlier problem was for Apple, not Roon.

I am only using Arc with Gofigure for mobile use when I’m out and about and am unable to connect to wifi, so it’s on a cellular line. I use Roon Remote when at home connected to wifi via Ipad. I’m aware I could use my phone and Arc with a wire, but that is too cumbersome, so I prefer to use it with Poly.

I had Arc working after the purchase of an updated router, and when it went out again, after the Apple update mentioned above before I left home. It has not worked since I’ve been away. Bellow is the error message I’m currently getting. (Since I’m not home I have no way of resetting my router that I’m aware of.) I would like to understand if there’s something I need to do differently to make the connection to Arc stable. Thank you

“ipv6_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkTimeout”,“status_code”:998,“error”:“”},
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkTimeout”,“status_code”:998,“error”:“”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“166.aop.agh.apq”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“2600:jjj:ajk:akl:alm:amn:ooo:ano”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}

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