Roon ARC not ready with code 502 and strange IPv4 address (ref#M9HD8N)

Network Setup

· I use a single personal router not provided by my ISP

ARC Status

· ARC is *Not Ready*

Roon Error Code

· None of these are listed. It simply says "TIMEDOUT" or similar.

System or third-party *firewalls *or *antivirus software* can sometimes block RoonServer from reaching ARC.

Try adding RoonServer and its associated processes to the whitelist of any firewalls or antivirus software you have installed, including the Windows system firewall, if applicable.
[You can learn more about firewall exceptions with Roon here.](

Has the status in Roon -> Settings -> ARC changed after adding exceptions in your firewalls and antivirus software for Roon?
I don't have any system or third-party firewalls or antivirus software.

Have you successfully located and enabled the UPnP or NAT-PMP settings in your router's web UI?

· I've turned UPnP/ NAT-PMP on and ARC won't connect

Select the Diagnostic Keyword or Text String

· Something else

Don't give up yet.

· I'm stuck. I'd like to create a post to ask Roon Community for help.

Describe the issue

ARC not ready with code 502 and strange IP

I got the error report as following:

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":502,"error":"error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED 103.fff.ggg.hhh:57805, response code: undefined, body: undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"103.fff.ggg.hhh","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"}

I have forward port 57805. But the IPv4 address is strange. I'm using latest Roon on Synology NAS.

Describe your network setup

UPnP and port forwarding is set on. RoonServer is running on a synology NAS.

@Yongping_Yao, can you please provide additional infrormation on your network configuration? According to the error message, UPnP is not configured. Also, either UPnP or port forwarding should be active, but not both.

Also, can you please explain in more detail what you mean by

What LAN ip address did you specify in your port forwarding rule?

It should be the one circled in red in the image below:

The ‘actual_external_ip’ shown in the text that you quoted above is (an obfuscated version of) the WAN side ip address as seen by the Roon cloud servers. Apart from the obfuscation that masks the 2nd to 4th parts of this ip address, it should match the WAN side ip address of your router.

If it does not, then you have a multiple NAT situation - which could be caused either by the presence of two or more routers between your Roon server and the internet connection or it could be caused by the use of CG-NAT on the part of your ISP.

However, it is worth noting that you say that uPnP is set ‘on’ but the diagnostic text is saying that uPnP is ‘not found’. This implies that the router that you have enabled uPnP on is not the router that the Roon Server is attached to - in other words, you have two or more routers in your home network. If this is the case, uPnp cannot work entirely because uPnP can only configure a port forwarding rule on the router to which the uPnP client (the roon server application in our case) is attached to.

The usual causes of multiple routers are:

  1. Using a personnally chosen router in addition to the one that the ISP provides. This can often be fixed by putting the ISP router into ‘bridge mode’ or ‘modem mode’ such that it does not do NAT.
  2. Using a Wifi Mesh system. To use a Mesh Wifi system with an ISP router, all of the WiFi mesh units should be put into ‘access point’ mode or ‘Mesh node’ mode. Again, this presents the WiFi mesh routers from performing NAT.

If neither of these are the cause of your problems, you will probably have to describe your networking equipment and interconnectivity in more detail.

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Thanks @Rob, I disabled port forwarding and use UPnP only in my router. But not working still.

As you can see, it’s a linksys router. I deleted port forwarding for 57805.

And UPnP is on.

PS. I can use ARC through LAN.

@Yongping_Yao, per @Wade_Oram’s suggestion, is there an ISP router in your network? If so, can that ISP router be placed into bridge mode?

ISP router is in bridge mode. Linksys is my own router.

You also have different ports shown in Roon (57805) and router (50000).

Thanks for your reply. Port 50000 is for BT, not for Roon. I attach the screenshot as I’m not port forwarding 57805 now and is using UPnP.

Hello @Yongping_Yao ,

Are you making use of a VPN when the issue happens? What happens if you try to create a manual port forwarding rule instead of using UpNP?

YES. I figured out it’s about a proxy software I’m using. It interrupts the port forwarding. I’ll try to fix it. Thanks

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