Hi @Norman_Spector,
Thank you for your patience and our apologies for the delay - the holidays placed us in the rare position of all the escalation points for this case being away from the Community for several days.
Here’s what we learned from diagnostics.
There are peculiarities around ARC sync in the iPhone and iPad that the team will continue to investigate, so we’re by no means pinning down what’s wrong.
However, there are clear diagnostic indicators of a pattern familiar to Roon Support, usually affecting users with large, highly customized local libraries and underlying file structures.
Put simply, Roon’s core algorithms are optimized to handle file structures that match standard music industry taxonomy, ie. Artist → Album → Track. In the underlying branching file structure, this accommodates a wide range, about 10-100 tracks.
If you glance at your Watched Folder locations, do you see more than a handful of subdirectory folders containing 100 or more tracks? Another way to consider this is to sort your Artists by Album Count in Roon and check how many Artists have 100 or more Albums.
Adding to this, a large portion of your local library is unidentified by Roon’s audio analysis service. With large local libraries, a large track count of unidentified content will lead to background churn. Roon will handle this under normal conditions; with a large library and a non-standard folder taxonomy, it will not.
I recommend checking the numbers in Clean Up Library under Roon → Settings → Library. Deleted content can also clog up key processes.
Do you have any issues with your local storage location disappearing from the network?
Unfortunately, poor performance is expected if your local library matches any of the conditions I’ve laid out above; you’d be pushing the envelope of RoonServer’s supported product scope. But we’re not entirely certain that’s the cause here - there is just evidence in logs that it might be an underlying condition.