Roon ARC suggestion

I’m interested in Roon ARC, perhaps it can replace Spotify for my casual remote listening. That would be worthwhile.

But! What would really be great for me is if there was a desktop ARC application that I could run from my office. I have a headphone dac/amp at my office; I currently feed it from desktop Spotify. Obviously I’m not going to run a roon core there… but to have access to my home Roon at the office would be fantastic!

EDIT: I did not search before posting! Consider voting on this feature suggestion: Roon ARC for Desktop / Laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux)

There is more than one existing request for this already. Better to add your vote there instead of diluting them

Thank you, I have placed my vote here: Roon ARC for Desktop / Laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux)

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