well to be honest I don’t remeber… I had the impression it reached the limit of defined number of backups, not out of space… but I’m really not sure at all
I’m wondering… why Rock doesn’t automatically overrite the older backup when memory is full or when reached the maximum numeber of planned backups? or it should does but is faulty/buggy?
in my car I have a 50 euro dashcam that does it automatically and as default (and is a sh…ty chinese piece of hardware)… the same should be with Roon/Rock, we define a maximum number of backups, for example 10, and if at the time to write a new backup in the memory, let say the 7th, memory is full he ovewrite the older one… or do we have to handle two different keys and waith for alarm to recognize last action was faulty? (it would be not really elegant in some hundreds software)
would it be possible to add a “warning” that is active, via popup (like that one about upgrade), that based on the last positive backup dimension and free space in the target memory inform the user of critical situation?
in a software like Roon the database is one of the most important feature (imho)
It should over-write the backups once you reach the maximum number you specified in the backup tab, but if the drive is full before you reach that limit then this issue can occur.
Thanks for the feedback here. I would recommend also posting your suggestion in the Feature Request section of the site.
Our product team and developers keep a close eye on that category, so that’s definitely the best place to propose a change like this and get feedback from the Community.
Thanks Noris,
so the strategy is to install a not-too-small USB key and set a maximum of 3 backups… a waste of unused space but a trick to solve the problem, ok… I will try and let you know if it works (is this inside the user instructions? Where?)
… about to post the “idea”in the feature request… already done in the past, togheter with the request to add a temperature indicator in the browser interface… about the first, that regarding backup feature improvement, the team that developed the software probably still have to reach my post, as it was before couple of software release ago but still missing… about temperature we, customers, are still trying to understand why the team don’t want to do that as it would be very useful for maintenance activity like cleaning the cooling system when dirty
I got today again an error about failed backup… then I checked and changed the maximum number of backup in USB key from 40 (I thought that was a possible trick to solve the problem but obviously I was wrong) to 3… the backup should happen every 4 days at 1 a.m. ( in the night)
in the hypothesis Rock should overrun the old one once the key is full (but doesn’t happen!) or, better, it should overwrite the older one once reached the fixed limit, 3 now, why I have again a failure error? … and more, is it possible to delete the old backup/files inside the key without removing the key from the NUC? How? … and more, FAT32 is correct for the key or there is another format that could be better? ( I use WIN7 pc to read the key outside the NUC)
Go to Settings > Backups > View your Scheduled Backups. Then click the “3 dots” menu and choose Clean/Restore. That gives you the option to delete unwanted backups.