Since the only way for a Core machine that runs a Roon OS to avoid a potential power loss related library corruption is for the customer to turn off the machine before the UPS battery runs out, there seems to be little incentive for anyone to use a UPS for those devices.
In Backup problem #1, Roon will continue to backup a library that has ‘latent corruption’ until all good backups have rolled of the end.
In Backup problem #2, Roon says it has successfully backed up and yet subsequently can’t find it’s backup. Yes, that could be a reflection of the backup media, although I doubt it, but if Roon says it has successfully backed up then one should be able to take that as it stands.
Since Roon has supplied a recommended backup procedure and will not guarantee any Restore that doesn’t use a Roon Backup dataset, then these problems are Roon problems, regardless of what media is being used.
I don’t understand Roon’s seemingly laissez faire attitude as to the integrity of the major component of the entire Roon charter.