Roon Bridge Brought my Bifrost Back Into My System!

I have been frustrated for years not being able to use my Bifrost Multibit as my DAC. I was using a Lenovo laptop as an endpoint in my listening room to stream Roon to my Chromecast built-in AVR, but it maxes out at 24/96. The Bifrost can do 32/192 but is not wireless. However, using Roon Bridge installed on an unused laptop, then connected to the Bifrost via USB, I can take advantage of the Bifrost again!
Many thanks to Daniel Beyer for this workaround! TBH, I would be fibbing if I said I hear an obvious improvement in the sound, but hey, you gotta try!


Roon bridge on a Raspberry Pi is alot more efficient and less troublesome than a laptop. If you install Ropieee on it it is as maintenance free as it gets.

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Thank you! Right now the big advantage of my laptop is it’s free :grin:

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