Windows 10 also tried on Android 9
Roon: 1.7 (build 511)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Wifi router Netgear Nighthawk ax 8
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Music server: Innuos Zenith mk 3
Integrated DAC: Solution 330 connected with Zenith via ethernet cable
Description Of Issue
Roon Core is installed on music server Innuos Zenith (Roon version 1.7) which is connected to integrated DAC Soulution (DAC is visible in Windows network panel). I am trying to set up audio output in Roon (tried Windows also in Android apps) but I see only local outputs and there is no Soulution DAC. Can you help me. Thank you.
Yes, it works via USB, but sound quality is via USB significantly worse…compared to an Ethernet connection (via Audirvana). That’s why I wanted to put Roon core directly into the Innuos music server to shorten the signal path.
The Soulution 330 DAC is in the „groupe tested by Roon“, in this same group was my former DAC Aqua Acoustic (had only USB …).
Thanks for Your support!
Since the Solution 330 DAC is not Roon Ready, it won’t work via Ethernet out of the box. Audioirvana is likely using UPnP to communicate with the DAC and Roon does not support UPnP.
If you would like to have an Ethernet connection to the Solution, you could use a Roon Bridge such as a Sonore Micro/UltraRendu, but intimately it would have to then be connected via USB at the end. Or if you want to look into this, you could use a Sonore UPnP Bridge and that might allow the zone to show up as a Squeezebox zone.
Do note, we have not tested the UPnP Bridge in-house, so I would double check comparability with your specific DAC before adding this to the chain.