Roon combines different editions of the Audio CD rips of the same album with same tracks

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Description of the issue

I have two editions of the same album in Audio CD. I have ripped them into separate folders and tagged them exactly the same. When I imported the folders to roon, they got combined into one album. Any idea how to split it?

Here are the folder names
How To Name It {Oriental, ORI AAMS CD 115, First Edition}
How To Name It {Oriental, ORI AAMS CD 115, US Edition}

The tracks inside them have same file names and same metadata.


You have to change the Album names in your tags in a manner similar to your folder names. The Album name tag is field is key to distinguishing the two rips for most any software, not just for Roon.

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But is there a way to split it into two?

By re-tagging your files as I’ve described and perhaps then performing a force rescan of your library.

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I dont want to re-tag the files. I’m wondering why Roon cannot handle this situation?
The album can be released as different physical formats. US edition, Chinese edition etc.The songs and all meta data are same. But Roon combines them which is really frustrating.

If I add an additional tag to specify the edition does that help?

If you hit the 3 dot menu and choose Edit, there will be a Track Manager option. This should allow you to split it into two separate albums.

This is what I see, how do I split it to two separate albums? No two discs under same album. But as two different versions

I think, and it has been awhile, you select the files only from disc 1 and create 1 album. Then there should be two separate albums listed.

You can sort of see the basic workflow starting in Step 14 of this:

But @navihane I want to point out, one last time, that this won’t help you if you move to other music software in the future (or use other software in parallel). Most music software expects that you have the albums named somewhat differently using something in parentheses or brackets to distinguish between editions of an album.

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If the metadata is the same, maybe it’s a bit unreasonable to expect any software to read your mind… :man_shrugging:


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