Since being a member of the Roon Community I have read a lot of threads, created a few and participated in some threads.
I’m not naïve in terms of what forums can be like, and more so possibly with specialised hobbies such as ours.
While I admit I haven’t read the full T&Cs for the Roon forum community, I have a good idea how we should conduct ourselves.
I’ve read recently and also participated in a thread where some are saying “you’re wrong, I’m right”.
Wether those doing this are right, the approach taken sometimes isn’t coming across, to some in the way intended. Some do mean to be rude.
I’ve also noticed that some people’s posts are getting flagged because, my view, they disagreed with someone. Then that someone flagged it as they didn’t like what was replied with. This, if true, is very childish.
We are not all as informed as one another. Some will and do know more than some. Those with greater knowledge have a greater responsibility in this forum. Please treat the lesser knowledgable with polite, respectful messages. Educate not patronise. Share not belittle.
Some will disagree with you, even if you are right. Help them understand where you’re coming from, with supporting information as this will help. Links to websites is useful.
Being determined and insisting you’re right will annoy people.
We are all here because of the music and love for audio equipment. Leave the hostility out and enjoy.
Thank you for taking time to read this.