Wow. That’s a little scary. Would have liked to know that during the trial period, given my database is about 3 months old and all my backups are “corrupted”.
EDIT: I don’t think my backups go all that way back - but I can’t easily check since I can’t get into Roon at all (“issue loading database”).
getting same error about issue loading database after updating this morning. Restoring from backup does not work, have tried oldest and newest, neither works.
Starting with a fresh DB is not a viable option, as many people have invested years into organizing their DB’s and also want to retain play history among other things.
Based on the activity of this thread, its obvious that the issue is specifically related to the update.
Please provide a link to the previous stable version of Roon and a way to disable auto-update so we can reinstall while you guys sort this out. It really shouldn’t be that hard for the code to delete a corrupt row/record in the DB (if one actually exists), there is no need trash the whole DB. Most database technologies have a data integrity utility that can be used to scan/fix records.
Yes, I have my backups set to every 2 days, keeping 8 or so total. I’ve been a Roon user for over a year. I changed backup frequency d/t issues with the database from prior hiccups…
Since you’re running a Windows 7 box with the issue that was identified earlier, your situation is less clear. We’ll know more once that’s fixed & tested.
I was wondering if I should manually update Mono on Mac OS Catalina and try the update again… I’d be using Brew to manage the package, but don’t know if that’ll help.
Edit: I’m hesitant to do it since I’ve already created a new database and everything’s working fine for me…
If you are fine with starting over and OK with things are now, you can keep it as is. But updating Mono shouldn’t harm your computer since apps should work better with newer version of .NET / Mono platform.
I’d like to remind that iOS devices can’t roll back after updating Roon app to version 1.8 build 880. PC and Android can install outside official repository.
Perhaps this could have been predicted, then? What did engineers expect would happen to the great masses of “corrupted”-but-perfectly-functional installs out there?
Seems Keetakawee should be involved in your next troubleshooting of new software
There’s another critical error I found from log. I’m not sure how it’s related since it’s null but it seems to be related to library and broker stuff.
12/16 00:19:16 Critical: scx: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryApi.get_IsGenreMappingSupported()
at Sooloos_Broker_Api_Library_Adapter.Serialize(Object obj, Stream stream)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingServer._PutObject(Object o, Stream stream, Boolean inline)
at Sooloos_Broker_Api_Broker_Adapter.Serialize(Object obj, Stream stream)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingServer._PutObject(Object o, Stream stream, Boolean inline)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingServer.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__0(Result`1 result)
at Sooloos.Broker.Remoting.RemotingServer.OnGetService(Int32 rid, Byte[] body)
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread._Dispatch(SendOrPostWrapper& ret)
I’m another person that this update has completely b0rked my roon.
I’m on Win 10 and I have removed my old database, ready to rebuild it again; when I set the new installation to look for audio in my audio files, it doesn’t seem to detect anything; then after shutting roon down and starting again it tells me my (new and completely empty) database is corrupt. So I guess I’ll restart the process. Also, none of my audio devices were showing up. This is a pretty unpleasant experience and I think I’d prefer to downgrade.
Update to the above - I re-started the process; wiped the ‘new’ database; downloaded the new installer and reinstalled - the same thing happened; no audio devices identified; when I tell it to search my audio folders it just sits there doing nothing. Restart roon, same thing.
THEN I wiped the new database and reinstalled the previous version. WORKS PERFECTLY, zero problems.
UPDATE II - the only problem now is that I need to go around and downgrade all the other roon installs through my house. This is not very cool at all.
Roon uses LeveDB as a a database backend I believe. I’m not looking to become a support contact for this but if anyone is DIY inclined there are some tools that offer the hope of leveldb repair. They are of the open source variety and a few tech smarts might be required.
Anyone feeling stuck could WORK ON A COPY and give something like this a go. Thought long and hard before posting but erred on the “it might help someone” side. It’s an at your own risk suggestion…
I have repeatedly warned about this problem. No one believed me. I have had to restore several times.
No music this weekend and until after Merry Christmas.
If I wasn’t a ROON Lifetime member I’d never renew again.
ROON has my system in RUIN and they take no responsibility for their actions. ROON management blames all problems on a users system and they do not take responsibility for their actions.
And there is no way to get help.
No expert “ to log in” and solve the problem.
I’m sorry but I’m about done.
I’ve deleted all instances of ROON on IOS.
I’ve done a Windows Uninstall.
I’ve deleted all the ROON hidden folders I can find.
And why doesn’t ROON have their own “UNINSTALL “ program that does this for us?
No instead of a stable program they provide us with features that many care little for. I’ve not asked for Valence or its children. It nice. But I’d rather have a
STABLE ROON than. A pukey ROON.
And all in time for Merry Christmas.
Thank you oh mighty Wizards of ROON!
And no I never want to be in the “beta testing group” Please remove me from the list.
Perhaps it would have been better to develop a separate program to allow owners to determine if their database has corruption and fix, outside of the update?
I updated and got nothing but the pulsing Roon logo upon restart. I restarted the PC a couple of times… Waited 12 hrs… just a pulsing roon logo. .
The core is on a Win10 PC. It has a i5 CPU (g7), 16g RAM, and updated Windows10.
I deinstalled Roon from the PC. When given the option to remove everything or keep databases and settings, choose to keep them.
I reinstalled Roon and it restarted fine and is back to v831.
I don’t have functionality on my ipad as a remote as it is at v880 and is not communicating with my core (v831)
Does this behavior suggest a corrupted database? Do i role the dice and update and risk a RooNPocolypse or Roonagettton. Anyone with similar experience? Can you comment?
Grateful for some support for preventative management to the 880 update. I am not sure the update is worth it if it renders my managed database, which is carefully backed up (but only for the last month), useless.
Very disappointed that i even have to ask this question. I hope for feedback from the community but do expect a reply from ROON. @support
I also had the same trouble and hope ROON team can fix this problem for a few days.
I am very enjoy the music on ROON core and happy to continue subscribe; currently I missed its.
I don’t suppose you have access to another Windows 10 computer that you could install Roon on? Then, do a backup and restore from one to the other. Then, try the update on one to see if it works OK. If it doesn’t, you still have your datebase in tact running 831 on the other computer.