Roon control GUI working on Linux using Wine

Running Roon on Linux using Bottles

As an alternative to the roon-on-wine script, you can also run Roon in Bottles. It’s very simple. Here’s how.

Install Bottles

flatpak install Bottles

Create a Bottle for Roon

Run Bottles and create a new bottle called Roon with Environment set to Application.

Under Preferences, scroll down to the Graphics section and disable DXDVK and VKD3D since these are for Direct 3D and are not required since Roon uses OpenGL, I believe. (It is harmless if you skip this step and leave them enabled.)

Under Dependencies, install dotnet472. This takes a while because it first installs .NET 4.6, then .NET 4.6.1, then .NET 4.6.2, and so on. At each stage there is a warning:

Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Modules Installer Service is not available on this computer.

Each time you see this, you can ignore the warning and continue.

Finally, I got a message saying:

Your installation will not occur. Set below for reasons why.


.NET Framework 4.7.2 or a later update is already installed on this computer.

I’ve no idea why this appears but press the Close button to finish the installation.

Install Roon

Download the Windows 64-bit installer from the Roon Software Downloads page.

Now go to the main Details & Utilities page, press the Run Executable button and select the RoonInstaller64.exe image you just downloaded.

After the installation is complete, you can now run Roon by pressing the launch icon to the right of the Roon program.

Hi-Res Display

If you have a hi-res display, as I do, go to Preferences, look under Graphics and expand Display Settings to reveal the Screen Scaling setting. Change this from 96 to 192 DPI.

Add Desktop Entry

First, expose your ~/.local/share/applications/ folder to flatpak:

flatpak override --user --filesystem="~/.local/share/applications/" com.usebottles.bottles

Now close and restart Bottles. Click on the 3-dots menu to the right of the Roon program and choose Add Desktop Entry.

Does Using Bottles Fix the CPU Problem?

Sadly, no, this problem still exists with Bottles.

Running htop, high CPU is shown for Roon.exe and for Bottles, and my laptop fan blows.