Roon control GUI working on Linux using Wine

(By the way I am not using the spockfish script, I installed manually)

The thing is that the usage of the .desktop file is not up to Roon. The .desktop file is a property of the desktop environment, in my case Gnome. The desktop environment is able to display any valid .desktop file as a launcher in the GUI, and when the user clicks it, it will execute the command from the .desktop file’s Exec= line, resulting in a command just like when launched from your script. The .desktop files can be created by the user in a text editor or by a helper program like menulibre. The program to be launched by a .desktop file has no say about this.

While writing the above little theoretical excursion, I found the fix :joy: Thank you for posting your script, which set me on the right track.

The problem was that my .desktop file was simply not valid: The “env” was missing from the Exec= line, which I realized only after a glance at your script. Now I also remember the cause: Previously I used a DRI_PRIME=1 variable (trying Roon running on the external graphics card) and I deleted this a few days ago. In error, must have deleted the “env” with it, and never realized that the .desktop file is failing because I never had to restart Roon or Gnome.

So nothing to do with the Roon update, only that the update made me try to restart Roon. I added the “env” back in and all is good. Thank you

And now Roon latest build (1.8.943) fixed the issue for me and runs now again under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Sadly we’re non the wiser than before: “Additional bugfixes and stability improvements”.

Has anyone managed to get Roon working on Fedora 36? Everything appears to install just fine. Roon opens and I can login to the core and choose my audio devices. But when I click to play a track it just skips right over it. If I play an album it skips through all of the tracks on the album. I am using Qobuz. I did try logging out of Qobuz and back in but the issue continues. I should also say it exhibits the same behavior when attempting to play local music.

Does it work on a phone? Sounds more like music tracks not being playable

@src01 Is the Roon Server or a Roon Bridge running alongside the Core (Windows GUI)?

Are Alsa or WASAPI devices visible under Audi?

It is not setup as the core so I cannot connect to it from my phone. But those tracks are all playable from different devices.

It is running as Server I assume since that is what the install script sets up in WINE. The core is on a different machine which I can login to from the GUI. Yes, both audio devices are visible and enabled.

Linux doesn’t actually have a GUI and you have to choose the Windows Wine version. If this is started first and not the Linux server, there are WASAPI devices that do not work.

If the Linux server is started first, there are ALSA devices like here:

The devices are recognized with the same name before activation, but underneath there is the crucial note. WASAPI, ASIO or other Windows devices will never play after activation.

Hrm… The roon core server started first so that should not be an issue. However this is showing 2 devices for this PC… PulseAudio which does show WASAPI and “System Output” which does not show ALSA as expected but instead shows “Audio will play out the default device.” I wondering if this could be a problem with Fedora 36 and pipewire. This worked fine on Ubuntu 20.

I also get the problem with Arch (Manjaro) when I first start the Wine GUI and use it to fetch the Linux server.

It only helps to shutdown everything completely, start the Linux server, wait 10 minutes and when everything has calmed down, all connections (except Wine-GUI), audio devices of the server…are found, also start the GUI. Maybe even start a second Linux server where the Wine-GUI is located, wait 10 minutes again and only then start the GUI (Roon.exe). Then the Roon application and the RAAT server should not hastily and recently wrongly assume Windows devices. This is only with the newer releases so.

I installed via here GitHub - RoPieee/roon-on-wine: Running Roon with Wine on Linux but I would like to uninstall now, how do I do this?

just delete the my-roon-instance folder, I am quite sure it is self-contained. (Not sure if a launcher is created elsewhere, but this would be a tiny text file at most, which you can find by searching your home directory for files with Roon in their name)

find ~ -name \*wine\*

You may also want to uninstall the wine packages.

Thank you, this worked!

Thank you, I didnt need this in the end.

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Hello folks, I’m fairly new to roon and Linux, I got the roon server working flawlessly on arch Linux. I want the roon application for windows for a GUI on the computer so I’m not relying on a phone/tablet etc.

I had the roon application for windows running at first with wine, then switched to wine-staging and it was working fantastically until like 2 or 3 days ago, I have the latest version of roon application installed, and I have wine-staging 7.11-1 as well installed, I have tried to revert to wine (not wine-staging) with no luck, as well as uninstalling the roon app and reinstalling. still no luck.

it gets to the installation process, installs then first time running you need to agree to the roon terms and it doesn’t get passed there with mouse/keyboard input.

I have submitted a backtrace to the wine-staging guys in case it is a problem on their end, but most likely a problem on my end - only been using Linux for like 9 months but I am enjoying the experience so far.

any help appreciated, I’ve tried using the roon on wine git source, same error applies.

little niggles here and there, this is one of them. sorry for the long message.

Hello rustytone,

I had roon GUI working on wine as well, but was on development version of wine. When it updated today from version 7.10 to 7.11 I haven’t been able to open the app. It freezes on opening. This seems to point to an issue with wine 7.11.

Hope this helps.

thanks scott thought it was a problem that I had made, I’m in contact with one of the folks over at wine, will update in due course.


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Yeah, I was able to install wine stable 7.0, and then roon works fine.

thanks for the info

downgraded my wine and working fine again, cheers. current bug tracking with latest wine version for those interested: WineHQ Bugzilla – Bug 53175 – Roon fails to start

some of it i understand but some of it is programming speak.

thank you scott.

Running Roon on Linux using Bottles

As an alternative to the roon-on-wine script, you can also run Roon in Bottles. It’s very simple. Here’s how.

Install Bottles

flatpak install Bottles

Create a Bottle for Roon

Run Bottles and create a new bottle called Roon with Environment set to Application.

Under Preferences, scroll down to the Graphics section and disable DXDVK and VKD3D since these are for Direct 3D and are not required since Roon uses OpenGL, I believe. (It is harmless if you skip this step and leave them enabled.)

Under Dependencies, install dotnet472. This takes a while because it first installs .NET 4.6, then .NET 4.6.1, then .NET 4.6.2, and so on. At each stage there is a warning:

Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Modules Installer Service is not available on this computer.

Each time you see this, you can ignore the warning and continue.

Finally, I got a message saying:

Your installation will not occur. Set below for reasons why.


.NET Framework 4.7.2 or a later update is already installed on this computer.

I’ve no idea why this appears but press the Close button to finish the installation.

Install Roon

Download the Windows 64-bit installer from the Roon Software Downloads page.

Now go to the main Details & Utilities page, press the Run Executable button and select the RoonInstaller64.exe image you just downloaded.

After the installation is complete, you can now run Roon by pressing the launch icon to the right of the Roon program.

Hi-Res Display

If you have a hi-res display, as I do, go to Preferences, look under Graphics and expand Display Settings to reveal the Screen Scaling setting. Change this from 96 to 192 DPI.

Add Desktop Entry

First, expose your ~/.local/share/applications/ folder to flatpak:

flatpak override --user --filesystem="~/.local/share/applications/" com.usebottles.bottles

Now close and restart Bottles. Click on the 3-dots menu to the right of the Roon program and choose Add Desktop Entry.

Does Using Bottles Fix the CPU Problem?

Sadly, no, this problem still exists with Bottles.

Running htop, high CPU is shown for Roon.exe and for Bottles, and my laptop fan blows.