High CPU usage of remote in Wine since Build 903 - some affected users but apparently not everyone

Is this problem actively being looked into by Roon? This is the only way I know to control the music from a Linux machine.

I’ve got two desktop computers and one laptop, all running Pop!_OS 22.04. They all have this CPU problem. It’s especially annoying on the laptop because the fan blows all the time.

First I used the roon-on-wine script on the laptop and got the problem. This was using Wine installed from the Pop!_Shop, which is version wine-6.0.3.

Then I tried using Roon on Bottles, as I wrote up here:

With this approach, it uses wine-7.11 but the CPU problem is still there. Then I installed Wine on Bottles on my two desktop computers, and they both have the CPU problem too.

It would be so nice if this were fixed.

Pop!_OS 22.04
Kernel 5.17.5-76051705-generic
Roon 1.8 (Build 970)