Roon control GUI working on Linux using Wine

That’s why I pointed you to the newer threads where this is is already described in detail.

for roon 1.7 i did the same installation again but with wine mono 4.5.2 and .NET 452.
e.g: WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine/my_roon_instance winetricks dotnet452

for the gnome launcher to work after installation i needed to restart the system.
reminding i did it on debian testing.
and it works!

for Roon 1.7 i had to do the installation again but with mono 4.5.2 and .net 452.
the in-app update doesn’t work, just delete the my-roon-instance folder and install again.

Posting these instructions again suitable for Roon 1.7.

It works for me on debian testing.
roon core installed regularly on my debian laptop and roon control on wine.
when an update comes the core is updated correctly but the control on wine needs to be installed again from scratch.

what i did:
install wine as explained in the debian wiki:
i just did the standard installation plus installed winetricks.

download wine-mono-4.5.2.msi and place it in /usr/share/wine/mono/ and give the directory read access.

downloaded wine_gecko-2.47-x86_64.msi and wine_gecko-2.47-x86.msi and place them in /usr/share/wine/gecko/ and give the directory read access. probably only the x86_64 is required.

WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine/my_roon_instance WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot

WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine/my_roon_instance winetricks dotnet452
(takes some time and you have to click a few .NET installation buttons but eventually it finished)
the .net installation changes windows to 2003, it needs to be changed back to windows 7.
launch winecfg and change windows version to 7
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine/my_roon_instance winecfg

download roon installer
and install it:
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine/my_roon_instance wine RoonInstaller.exe

it installs fine and magically i have a gnome launcher for it under: $HOME/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Roon.desktop
and i can launch it as any other gnome app.
if the launcher doesn’t start the program, restart linux, it worked for me.

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and for the latest build just reinstall RoonInstaller.exe. and it only works after restart to the computer.

This script was nothing but watching it hang, get in loops, errors scrolling and scrolling, failures, etc…

Which version of Wine are you running? Spockfish’s script does pretty much the exact same thing but either fails to install mono (with mono set to 471) or installs correctly and launches Roon but freezes shortly afterwards (with mono set to 48)

Anyone else find that roon slows down after keeping it open for a while? I have to restart the app to get it to run normally again. Not a huge deal, just something I noticed. I’m using Pop OS btw

I just installed the version in debian repo at that time, can’t remember which.

Same Problem here. I’m using Manjaro.

BTW: I have to lock wine at v5.14-2. With newer versions, roon no longer starts.

After downgrading wine to 5.14-2 Roon installs via spockfish’s script but then immediately crashes on boot
Downgrading to Wine 5.11 worked like a charm though

The problem is that this indeed requires a lower version of wine to work properly. So the real solution to this issue is by creating a flatpak with the proper wine version built specifically.


Roon was working for a while on pop!_os 20.10 with Wine 5.11, but now it freezes after startup…still trying to find a solution.

@Eric_Saner Maybe try with newest winetricks (newest version from their github not whatever version is in pop repo)

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Wine stable is 5.0.2 and works fine for me.

I eventually gave up on Roon-on-Wine because of this. Somehow when loading new images it sometimes freezes up in a way which wedges the whole window system. I had to log in from another computer and kill the image to free things up again.

It works fine up to version 5.11. Past that you’re going to run into issues described in the thread

Issues users willingly accept by installing unstable/testing software. If you’re able to, try figuring out what’s causing the issue. Fix and/or report the issue/it’s cause to the maintainers of Wine if applicable.

I’ve started working on a flatpak.


All of WINE seems like that, to me. How do you know what’s good or not?