Roon control GUI working on Linux using Wine

After reading the bit of positive feedback here, and being impatient, I clicked install, and it worked just fine. No abnormalities whatsoever.

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and Wine 6.0

All good, same setup that always worked for me: Ubuntu 20.04, wine 5.0, 32-bit Roon in 32-bit wineprefix, .net 452
It even picked up the settings from 1.7 for reasons I don’t know :slight_smile: (was installed in other wineprefix)

What do I need to do to get the Roon link/icon in my favorites bar to open my new and working Roon 1.8?

Update to 1.8 went smoothly - Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon Wine 5.0

Which desktop environment? For me in Gnome, a (initially non-working) launcher is created automatically. To add it to the dock, open the Activities view, search for Roon, right-click it, and Add to Favorites.

However, the paths used by the launcher are not correct. I use the “menulibre” editor for *.desktop files. Start it and it shows your menu structure. Search for Roon and edit it.

The “Command” path must be quoted because it contains a space. In my case it needs to be:

WINEPREFIX=/home/mario/.local/share/wineprefixes/roon_wineprefix-roon_1.8_build_748-32bit/ wine “/home/mario/.local/share/wineprefixes/roon_wineprefix-roon_1.8_build_748-32bit/drive_c/users/mario/Local Settings/Application Data/Roon/Application/Roon.exe”

In the “Working Directory” path it does not like quotes. The C-drive used the wrong designation here, it must be, in my case:
/home/mario/.local/share/wineprefixes/roon_wineprefix-roon_1.8_build_748-32bit/drive_c/users/mario/Local Settings/Application Data/Roon/Application/100800753

In addition, I edit the Roon icon (as it is provided by Roon in the installation, .local/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/F4D1_Roon.0.png) in Gimp because it’s a bit too small, saved the edited icon in .local/share/icons, then chose the edited icon in the menu editor.

Save the launcher and done

OK, I opened the .desktop in Text Editor and I see this, I edited the “100800753” in and left the rest alone. Did not work. I am using a stock 20.04.2 LTS Ubuntu, so Gnome I guess.

Yes that’s Gnome.
Is this a .desktop file that worked before? Surprising :wink:

Line 3: /home/jason/.wine is not looking like a proper wineprefix, it is the main wine directory. I thought that Roon would not work unless installed into a separate wineprefix. I use a 32-bit wineprefix because in general Wine works better with 32-bit Windows binaries, it is said. But maybe Roon works in 64.

Generally, a wineprefix for each install is a good idea because you can install more than one Roon in parallel. So when an update comes, you can install the new one and keep the old one in case there is an issue

The path to the Roon.exe has so many \ escapes that I don’t know what is what. Personally I prefer to quote it instead (which will also make it work with the space in “Appllication Data” but is more readable IMO)

And it has backslashes “” instead of slashes “/” for the directory separators, but if it worked in the past, it should be fine. I use slashes.

Line 6: I don’t know if your installation folder has the same number as mine, dunno how the numbers are created. You have to check your path if it’s 100800753

Line 6: As mentioned, the c: drive designation that is entered automatically (“dosdevices/c:”) did not work for me (but it was late yesterday, maybe I made typo or whatever) so I went via drive_c, see what I posted previously or below

Ensure that you can execute Roon.exe on the command line with the same Exec path, and that you can cd into the Path directory

This is mine:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env WINEPREFIX=/home/mario/.local/share/wineprefixes/roon_wineprefix-roon_1.8_build_748-32bit/ wine “/home/mario/.local/share/wineprefixes/roon_wineprefix-roon_1.8_build_748-32bit/drive_c/users/mario/Local Settings/Application Data/Roon/Application/Roon.exe”
Path=/home/mario/.local/share/wineprefixes/roon_wineprefix-roon_1.8_build_748-32bit/drive_c/users/mario/Local Settings/Application Data/Roon/Application/100800753

yep, it worked perfectly when I installed 1.7, other than changing the 100800753 I changed nothing, and yes, I verified it and that is the same here. I think it is Roonspeak for version 1.8

That text editor is exactly how it looked when I opened the .desktop file, all the hashes were there before. The .exe file works fine, I click it and Roon opens fine, but of course a shortcut on the desktop would be easier than digging into the file system each and every time I want to run the Control GUI.

Perhaps it looks different because I did not use the script to install Roon, I did it from scratch. This is where Wine installed Roon. I changed nothing.

I see the problem now, or part of it. You wrote “but of course a shortcut on the desktop would be easier”, and now I see in your screenshot that you opened the .desktop file on the Desktop.

However, that’s not where it eventually needs to be saved. Wine put one there for me as well. Maybe this is an error or Wine does it on purpose so that it is easily accessible for you to edit further. Gnome, the desktop environment, does however not use .desktop files on the Desktop and they are not launchers for putting there.

They have to go in one of a number of defined locations. The typical one for a personal application launcher is


or in the wine subdirectory, i.e.


When it is there, it will be displayed like all application launchers in Gnome. E.g. in Activities (top left of the screen) after searching for it:

Or in the applications view (the button bottom left of the screen):

In either place you can right-click it and then Add to Favorites. It will then be added to the dock on the left of the screen, as you can already see in the second one of my above screenshots.

If the file is in the right place, you can use the “menulibre” application (you may have to install it) to edit it, which gives you a bunch of easily accessible additional options. It’s a handy tool also to edit other application launchers (e.g. to add additional keywords for the search, or change icons):

Regarding the other stuff about wineprefix etc:

I know that your location is where Wine installs it if you let it, but the recommendation in the very first post of this thread, and also the way the script does it, is to install it into a separate wineprefix, so I was surprised you didn’t. But if it works for you, why not.

I did not use the script but followed the instructions manually, so that’s why I have it in this wineprefix path. All I can say is that it works this way. Be aware that not everything wine does on its own by default is necessarily correct for a given application, necessary tweaks are not uncommon.

I installed MenuLibre and now I have TWO Roon icons in my applications menu and neither of them work.

so it looks like I need to edit the command here? Correct?

That may well be the one from 1.7 and the one from 1.8. This does not hurt but it is not pretty and can obviously be annoying because you never know which one works. It does not matter which one you keep, it just needs to have the correct content. I would use the file manager to search for Roon.deskop in your whole home directory, it should find them all. Simply delete the one you don’t want.

When you open menulibre and search for Roon, it would normally also show both, though yours does not. If it does, you can select one and the statusbar of menulibre, at the bottom of its window, shows the path to this particular file (like in your menulibre screenshot as well)’

You don’t have to, I just find it convenient. You can also edit the file in a text editor. The important thing is that the file is saved in the correct location under .local/share/applications somewhere, so that Gnome finds it.

If you edit in menulibre, you can click the Play button in the menulibre window title bar to show it as the text version for checking, can be helpful. And after you edit it, you must click the Save button in the window title bar, it is to the right of the “+” button.

Note that in the Command entry in your menulibre screenshot, the path does not point to the Roon.exe but to start.exe which runs the Roon.lnk file (which is basically the Windows equivalent of a .desktop file, i.e. a menu entry definition). Maybe this can work for Wine, but maybe it is the reason the launcher is not working. In any case it seems overly complicated and error prone. I have no idea how it got there, never seen this. I would replace it with the command you had in the first screenshot of the Roon.desktop file on the Desktop (in Exec=)

I am getting an error message that says directory 100800756 doesn’t exist… (roon updated to build 756)


What is the exact message? Most likely it cannot find the path to the directory because something is weird with it. Did you test the Working Directory path in a terminal like I asked you to?
(Navigating there in the file manager is not the same thing)

You can also use the “folder” buttons in menulibre, next to the two paths. This will ensure that they are right. Keep in mind that this will enter the path to the Roon.exe in the first box, but not the WINEPREFIX or wine command, so copy them back in

I appreciate your help. I don’t know what the problem was but even a complete re-installation of Wine and Roon did not work. So I erased it all and used the script, which did work. For now, everything is working again.

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Thanks for the info. I don’t find it satisfying that I have no idea what the cause was :slight_smile: but luckily it’s not a big pain to reinstall with the script. Enjoy and have fun.

Installing with the script is super fast and easy on my computer, I just like doing things myself. I wish I knew what the problem was, but i’d rather listen to music than troubleshoot that all day long. What was happening is Mono was being installed,but not recognized. I even installed it manually, it still didn’t work. It looked like the .net installation was somehow deleting the Mono install. Eventually, I gave up and just ran the script.

Is anyone aware of development to make running Wine in Wayland a better experience than it is currently? I am running the latest stable versions of everything, including Wine 6 and in Ubuntu 20.04.2 its slow and nearly unusable. It works, but not well.

Yes: A Wayland driver for Wine

Awesome, thanks. That gives me hope that I will continue to be able to run the GUI on Linux. I read today that Ubuntu will be switching to Wayland for the next LTS release so I thought i’d give it a try today. Mostly good, a few small glitches that were easily overcome but running Wine/Roon was sloooooooow.