Roon Control on laptop crashes [Fixed]


All of a sudden, the Roon control on my Windows laptop crashed and will not start. Core continues to run on my core laptop and Control on my Android phone also works.

Core laptop:.Asus N53SV-DH72
Intel i7-2670Q CPU @ 2.20 GHz
64 bit Windows 10 Home

Control laptop: Asus F555LA-AB31
Intel i3-5010U CPU @ 2.10 GHz
64 bit Windows 10 Home

Control gets to this point before crashing

This first occurred when I attempted to add a Tidal album to my library. Thanks.

Hi, @Gerald_Richardson, thanks for the report! For further investigation of your problem we’d like you to send us logs from both Core and Remote machines. I’ll contact you via PM, for more details.



This will be my first time using Dropbox. What email address should I use for the link? Thanks.

Here is the link

Hi @Gerald_Richardson ----- Thank you for the link, confirming that the logs have been received and are in our queue to be evaluated by a member of our tech staff.

Once the team has conducted their analysis of your logs, we will provided you with an update asap. Your patience is greatly appreciated!

Lastly, since noticing this behavior have you tried reinstalling the application on the “remote” laptop?


Yes, I did a uninstall, reboot, and reinstall on the control laptop to no avail. Thanks.

@Gerald_Richardson did this happen after a windows update?

I seem to recall some issues with Intel Graphics drivers…not sure if it could be related.

The most recent WIndows update on the control laptop was 8/9/2017, the problem began Sunday, 8/27/2017. I will reinstall the graphics driver to see what happens. Thanks.

So this might not be related…anyways as the Roon lads get into the logs I guess they might find whats up.

Incidentally when you reinstalled do you remove the roon folders in App Data ?

Reinstall of the graphics driver had no effect. I did not remove the Roon folders when I reinstalled Control. Thanks.

Hi @Gerald_Richardson ----- Thank you for the follow up and more importantly, thank you for your patience.

I had a look at your logs and we are noticed that the crash on your laptop is being caused by the last album you had navigated to. I have since brought this to the attention of our devs who will be addressing this behavior accordingly.

Moving forward, as work around, could you please delete your GMS files which will restore the remote to a working state and in order to prevent this again (until a fix is released) please reframe from navigating to the last album you were viewing.

GMS file location (on remote):


That did the trick, control is up and running. I will avoid the forbidden album. Thanks a lot.

Glad to hear, @Gerald_Richardson! As mentioned, just try to avoid it for now and when a fix is set into place I will update this thread accordingly so you know the issue has been addressed/resolved.

Happy listening!

Hi @Gerald_Richardson ----- Thank you for your patience. Lettings you know that our devs believe that they’ve identified the issue and have a fix set into place, pending our next build release which should address this problem.

Once the build goes live please let me know how things hold up.

This latest release (Build 262) seems to have corrected the problem. I am now able to add the problem Tidal album (Debussy Preludes and Images by Pierre-Laurent Aimard) to my library. Thanks.

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Thanks for letting us know @Gerald_Richardson!