Roon controller app frequent freezes and crashes

Roon Core Machine

HP360X Windows 11 Laptop. i711XXX board 16GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

WiFi to Laptop Linksys 1900AC router; no VPN; Roon Server is via ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Stack Audio Link 11 via USB to Kii Three

Number of Tracks in Library

appox 55000including Qobuz; about 22000 are local library from my server

Description of Issue

Roon Controller app on the PC freeezes and crashes frequently. Especially if I leave Roon and go for a time to another app. Or after PC is in sleep. Seems to be the same issue as:

I’m having this problem again after this week’s Roon update. I do have the large negative number written into the file mentioned in the linked thread.

update: this is happening every time I navigate away from Roon for more than a few minutes: freeze and crash.

Hi @danny2,

While your impatience for a long-term solution is justified, I do want to report that the team is making progress in our internal investigation into the underlying causes of the crashes you’ve reported.

I see it’s been some time since you posted about this issue - are you encountering it on the most recent build, as well?

Yes, I’m still experiencing it, but not as often as in the past.
I do have the latest versions.

Anything going on with this?
I still experience “freezes” after navigating away from the Roon controller on my laptop.
When I come back to Roon it starts to crash. I get a faded out, frozen screen. Usually it comes back and works after about 20-30 seconds.
Sometimes it doesn’t and crashes.

anything going on with this?
I think the original thread about this was a year or two ago.
I still have the problem. Most recent build.

Still having this issue.
Especially after PC sleeps. Roon Control app hangs and never recovers. I have to go to Task Manager and do “end task” for Roon.

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